Curse of the Missing Cursor Feedback

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Interrobang, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. Slowly yes.
    I'm trying to get it all transferred to my new iPod though.

    All my notes.

    That includes little scraps of stories, plot outlines for never made stuff, old chapters of FTLoC and even Fury and a Half.
  2. And that is why you periodically email all of your notes to yourself.
  3. Your secret didn't last very long, did it ma' dear.

    Maybe you should check with account you posted with.
  4. Fudge and sprinkles.

    If you hit the link to my name, which account is it? >.> I don't know if the transfer worked or not. I have no freaking clue what account I'm on 0.0
  5. It links to Vene.

    Your ruse was short-lived.
  6. I think I only gave it away to you.

    To anyone else, that post gave practically nothing away. I could be just a nub posting on your feedback thread.

    I think.
  7. However after this conversation you have given away your identity.

    I'm gonna shut up now.
  8. I hate you.

  9. ~Thread shall now magically be on topic.~
  10. Please write more!!
  11. Tell Paradox that.

    I've done my bit.
  12. Too much effort and Choco complains bitterly about my keyboard.
  13. You know, you could do it when I'm not actually talking to you.

    But then you'd lack motivation, wouldn't you..?
  14. Pretty much, yeah.

    I need you to force me to write.
  15. At long last, we overcame our commitment issues!

    Ta daaa!
  16. Lol this is funny!
  17. \(^0^)/
    me loves it.
    Continue plez, or I use forze... :twisted:
  18. This is awesome!
  19. I luv it its funy continueeeeee!!!:)
  20. Ummm, ummm, ummm, thats my opinion so far