It's tiered. .2% for steals when opponent has over ~10b out. It increases the less gold target has out. Cleaning a target out is gonna take closer to 7K steals, with the first 50% of gold gone after about 1500 steals. Casting UA increases losses by 25%. So UA plus >10b out on target means ~700 steals to take 50% of gold out. 700 steals is about 30 bars.
Attacking is also tiered. It starts at ~ 1% loss if target has a lot out. Losses increase the less gold out on target. So hypothetically, a target with only a couple hundred mil out could lose it all in one hit.
Interesting reading for sure. My one annoyance shall we say is that you can attack a player and earn 59 mil but make them lose say 80 mil. The difference just disappears. Only annoys me because regardless of build size it would make more sense if the attacker earns everything the player loses. Not having someone lose gold for no benefit to anyone. Other than knowing you are costing them more. But wouldn't it make more sense for all gold lost to actually go to the attacker. It would certainly promote pvp and make more sense than vanishing gold.
Jack, that did get changed. Devs changed from 2% to .02% and posted it on forums when Trueplayer got stripped when he was banned for 24hours (He sez he was gambling in Vegas, but he also sez 'Trueplayer is sorry') After that it was changed by a given fraction of a percent per SPY BUILDING. So say .001% per t4l4 guild. So if I spy you I take less than a Hansel in % but we most likely are still up on 6k actions to clear a player.... UNLESS.... My slow strip still works? I'm dubious on that based on recent losses I've had. I see a % loss from incoming hits. Yea, that's right... 3k out would take over 40hits to clear. That's just dumb.
Swab you're absolutely correct in your conclusion. The less gold that is left out the less it is stolen from stolen side, but stealer gets more depending on how much spies available. Attacker makes a fixed about dependent on available units (plunder) and allies (ally bonus) Defender loses dependent on amount of troops left, pots, EB items, allies n other stuff like %