current attack/spy formula

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Swabia2, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. I don't understand the math or the formula but with permanent items at my size everyone in my path get easily smashed. So the formula goes

    Permanent items noob stats = smash
  2. This thread is to complicated for my genius mind... I prefer to stick with the formula of 2 2
  3. Lungsta, forums takes the addition sign out of your posts
  4. Swabia, if I'm not mistaken plunder loss per steal/ attack is still same % and yes indeed mechs are messy.

    To clear up a guild hansel might gain more or less dependent on size but the player being stolen still loses .02%. Also, it's if memory serves, I can check notes, closer to 6k steals to clear a strip target.
  5. With everything added it becomes more and more of a chore to keep up with mechs, ESP for a smaller player who uses them to keep competitive in pvp..
  6. @ Jac. Is that true? 6000 steals to completely strip all gold regardless of amount? How many bars is that?
  7. Oh well that sucks lol
  8. That is not true jac. not at all.
  9. Size of the one stealing makes huge difference as to how much someone loses per steal.
  10. I stopped reading after three mathimatical terms... Like percentages... ?????? Dumbfounded*
  11. Y=-B /- {(B^2-4*A*C)/(2*A)}^(1/2)
  12. Ummmmmmmm does that equal.... Pie???? Or 3???? Mindblown
  13. Lmao, it's a game that is complex. No wonder I'm still here  thought it was just the  ah damn, that's poker.

    I did enjoy reading this thread so thank you all.
  14. I'm not sure if its the case here, but over a year ago in PaW, I figured out that the amount lost in a steal would NEVER exceed the amount gained by the thief. Example, I'm on my last steal and only gain 437,290. That is the maximum they would lose regardless of how much gold they have out. The only way they would lose less is if the % value is lower than what I'm stealing. Haven't tested that here, and mechs may have changed in PaW since then. Someone test it? :)
  15. I'm also not sure how the defense pot bonus plays into this theory...
  16. I bet they use matrices. :cool:

    Kidding  I have 0 idea how coding works.
  17. I know the attacker earns more if the defender has spy def pots, but does the defender also lose more gold?