Curious about 1v1..

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Miss_Pinky (01), Oct 13, 2012.

  1. So do u want to war with me? I'm happy to do 1v1
  2. Are you really that stupid, you must leave when OP asks you too.
  3. roch, your posts are equally redundant. All I hear is you crying about how the BL won't work for you because you get punished for attacking people in clans. Why don't you join a war clan who will back you up if the other person decides to escalate instead of spreading your noob tears all over forums?
  5. ajax - I only have to leave if I violate the rules. I have not violated the rules, so I don't have to leave.

    roch, you are free to cry to a moderator. If they're competent, they'll see that I haven't violated any rules. Even if what I've posted doesn't support your ego.
  6. Every thing you post is the same. Of course my responses are going to be the same.
    I'm looking for a 1v1

    One verses ******* one. Not one verses 8 of the strongest people in the opponent's clan.
    You are ******* daft. Stop spamming my thread with posts about the bl and leave.
  7. Spamming is a rule, which you've violated.
  8. Do u wanna war with me roch?
  9. Spam? All I've done is post legitimate responses.

    You are looking for a 1v1. Plenty of people have offered you a shot at 1v1, yet you continue to drag this thread out. Why is that?
  10. ajax - I've not spammed a single post. Every post I've made on this thread has been in direct response to another post. Thus, none of my posts have been spam.
  11. You are posting what is virtually the same message over and over again. That is spam.
    My posts are the same because YOUR posts are the same (/)_<
  12. I just LOVE how roch is trying to throw the rules in my face when his status message reveals his age, which is a clear violation of the rules.

    Keep singing your song.
  13. I have only not responded to this lord death person. I have responded to everyone else.
    Also, as I said already, right now, I cannot 1v1 anybody because I am currently being hit by three or four different people.
  14. Lol... I am not a him! And I never said my status message was my age. 19 could mean anything. You are just assuming its my age. It does not say 'I am 19 years old.'
  15. Roch give me names. Ill pin them if my spy isn't too big
  16. you're being hit so much because you're an annoyance to forums. Just stop posting and get a damn life. You've earned yourself a spot on my farm list. Just please come out of pin so I can keep hitting you, please!
  17. I am going to ask you to leave one more time. I notified a mod that I have asked you to leave more than once and you continue to post. It's in their hands now.
    My status did not have my age in it, but seeing as you are third person to assume its my age, I'd rather not risk that silence. It's changed.
    I'm tired of all your posts about the bl. From this point forward I will not acknowledge you, because you were asked to leave.
  18. I haven't spammed or violated any rules. All my posts have been responses. Posting a copy of the rules just validates the legitimacy of me to continue posting on this thread.
  19. Do you even know the definition of spam?
  20. So, to all the people that have offered me a 1v1: I will respond to all of you now. I'm alway interested in learning new methods and strategies, and a good friendly back and forth is always sporting :) I can only go 1 on 1 with one of you tho. I'll replace first comment with the person I chose later.
    It'll probably be Cyn if he can find an alt small enough to be an even match tho cause he was the first offer not not, it'll be Cinnamon or the lordofdeath guy with the long name. I'll keep you posted :)