Curious about 1v1..

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Miss_Pinky (01), Oct 13, 2012.

  1. Callum** whatever your name is. I thank you for defending me but this isn't the place for whatever you have against touch.
  2. Can we make a point that effort was actually put into this thread?
    I'd rather see this than noob spam :lol:
  3. roch all u want is attention,u retire from forums then magically reappear,now you want to fight instead of hit eb ,so u make a thread about it!
    just leave and take your failure with u
  4. Lets cut OP some slack people. Most others on BL are other EB noobs especially at his level. I can understand from him browsing forums or whatever seeing all the farmers and talk of war on here that this might be a good place to ask for or ask how to get a 1v1. We gotta realize this KaW generation is geared and steered towards EBs. It's easy money. And rather than just calling OP a noob and trashing him we could perhaps spare some knowledge amidst the other threads that basically INVITE trolling.

    I always have said I'd rather see noobs hitting each other than hitting EBs. We wanna see more war? Then let's inform those who want to learn so that war and combat here will not die. Or else were gonna run out of worthy opponents in the future and get bored and quit ourselves, contributing further to the downfall of what KaW is really about.

    But OP, you should try hitting battle list, if anything else it will help your targeting. Compare stats, make sure the clan the target is in isn't one that will just gang bang you or at least doesn't have the manpower to. Try out diff combinations of pots and remember the opponents number of defensive pots so that in future fights you already have an idea what will work and what won't. Just some basic tips and ideas for basic fighting.  GLHF
  5. Wow, there are smart people here after all. I stand corrected. Dr. Pinky and CynderStryke. Especially CynderStryke. I think he's given the best response so far - even better than mine.
  6. @cyn i agree but i have mad peeps with alot bigger stats than me apologise after a 1on1 with me ,yet op talked **** and declined 1on1 with me after she ran her mouth.
    used the "i need to grow" excuse and now she makes a thread wanting 1on1 ? yeah bravo for stepping outside of eb land but dont talk then back down. my opinion
  7. good point, pinky
  8. BL isnt a place to find a 1v1, more like a 1vclan. I i just hate when I hit someone my size, instead of getting hit back by that person or even attempted to be hit back, I get hit by someone twice my size in that persons clan.

    Hardly anyone fights their own fight anymore, they just cry to their clan.
  9. eltyr,

    I've seen that, too. It was so funny one time, I had a clan of people with like 8 million stats crying about me in WC because I was farming one of their clan members I found on the BL.
  10. True pinky. I can easily fight off HLBC but then again I have 2.5 yrs of practice farming and fighting. I was LCBC spy when t4 first came out before HL. And cuz of Pwars I was constantly fighting guys bigger than me and entire clans at some points. Even now I usually am fighting guys way bigger than me who are t5 buffed.

    And OP golden rule of KaW, if you talk you are expected to back it up. Don't worry about growth if ur gonna fight. If I just worried about growth and not pots and strip funds and mith and stuff, I could easily be near LB after all this time. But for me the thrill of KaW comes from fighting others and taking all their **** and then making them pay me funds to stop hitting em. I could care less about my name on a list that only gauges my stats or allies or win/loss which is pointless due to PVE. I hope you reach that point as well.

    OP, At your size yes growth is important to an extent, but what happens when some1 starts hitting you trying to take what you have? You gotta know how to turn the tables and take what's there's in return and to the greater extent.
  11. I did apologize to you Pinky. I Pmd you and I said I'm sorry because I misunderstood your comment. You chose to hold a grudge.
    And in the other instance, I was not wrong- you told that guy you could get him forum banned for not leaving your thread when you asked him to. He was not posting excessive spam or vulgarity, so you -were- full of ****. I didn't run my mouth, I told him the truth.
    Additionally- I clarified and explained myself and apologized for the noob rage displayed in my 'quitting' thread. If you missed it that's not my fault.
    Next- tell your jailbaitbarbie to stop hitting me every single day, and then ill be able to grow faster because I won't have to bank every penny I make.
    Now please stop derailing my thread over things that happened weeks ago. If you want to bash me, you can create a thread to bash me, or unblock me and take it to pm. This thread is about me looking do a 1v1 so I can learn and grow in a way that doesn't consist of clicking a button repeatedly, not some petty drama that you can't just drop...
  12. i can understand that u want to do something different than ebs but what if i just stripped u every night till i got bored with it? im a nice guy so i left you "to grow" dont look like i hold much of a grudge.
    and as far as barbie goes haha i have nothing to do with that but im sure comments u have made encouraged the hits.
    this isnt derailing (i can do that) im simply talking about this 1on1 u asking for but was scared to step up when challenged. anyway glad to see an eb warrior wanting pvp so Carry On
  13. I've tried to grow. It's impossible to do so when I lose money for every pot I bank in.
    And for the record, the daily hits didn't start until I agreed to try a 1v1 with you once I had grown some. Literally, that night.
  14. maybe u should watch what u say then,put your big girl pants on and hit back! u say u want 1on1 but seem to have incoming already? Y U NO HIT BACK?
  15. Lol because jailbaitbarbie is even bigger than you; spending my money to buy every pot just to get one successful hit in kind of defeats the purpose of trying to grow.
  16. Ope. No. You're bigger than him. But steal, he is also twice my stats.
  17. Still.. Wow >.> I try to spell check -before- I post but I guess I miss some words sometimes
  18. Okay lol. Call it whatever you want.
    I didn't hit you because you're twice my size. I'm not hitting jailbaitbarbie for the same reason b
  19. Touch_me, I just find it more sad. I dont really care Im getting hit, I just wish the original person would at least try to hit me once. One hit away from an EB wont hurt your advancement in becoming HLBC.