Curious about 1v1..

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Miss_Pinky (01), Oct 13, 2012.

  1. Lol I love how you're only here to complain that I made a 1v1 thread.. I'm not looking for attention. I'm looking for a 1v1.
    Am I having déjà vu or did I say that already...? :/
  2. op you are suppose to grow so i can beat on you till you cry for mercy,plz stop trying to be cool in forums by acting like u want a fight.
    hit your damn eb and grow
  3. Rochendil,

    My last post was directed at the idiot thinking I'm the one begging for attention here.

    Anyway, I give up on you - you're dense. There are just some folks out there, like you, who just "don't get it."
  4. looking for a friendly 1v1 so I can learn and have more fun because I don't have much experience.
    Is it really that hard to understand?
  5. For some special people it is xD
  6. Damn bbcodes I meant [/I] dammit
  7. U called me an Idiot I think
    that's the second person today.....
  8. Lol I'm not looking for a fight.
    I'm not looking for attention.
    I'm not trying to look badass.
    I'm looking for a friendly 1v1 because I don't really have any singular fighting experience.
    And you're calling me dense....?
  9. Do you keep repeating yourself hoping I'll respond differently?
  10. im drunk, and drunks get into fights
  11. Sam, I hope you're not calling me "special."

    @idiot boy, sounds like a trend. You may wanna do a bit of soul searching.
  12. Lol that time it was for Pinky, and anyone else who doesn't seem to understand, I'm looking to learn and get some experience..
  13. Yes. You're dense. I can see no reason to not just open the BL and start hitting. You're turning simply playing the game into a publicity stunt. Just shut the **** up and start hitting.
  14. Touch maybe I should continue the trend and chuck u in my status message???
  15. Again, you people need to just shut the **** up and start hitting. No need to make it into reality TV.
  16. I'm not asking touch I ve got enough people to hit anyway. Now shut up or come to my news feed
  17. removed Mar 23
  18. This is me rolling my eyes at idiot boy.

    Keep thumping your chest, big shot.

    I'll stick to the BL and keep my mouth shut.

    Why am I even here still posting? I'm really not impressed with these forums.
  19. removed Mar 23
  20. You've turned it into a publicity stunt my friend. Randomly attacking the BL won't bring me a friendly 1v1.
    You are now derailing my thread.
    Touch and Calla, take your bickering to walls or newsfeed please.