Curious about 1v1..

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Miss_Pinky (01), Oct 13, 2012.

  1. COME OUT ON MY NEWSFEED BRO ! you'll fail when you try anyways.
  2. :roll: yeah. You just lost all credibility in my eyes. You know damn well what the question was :lol: act stupid/ignorant/'clueless' all you want. If you aren't slow, you're fantastic at acting like it.
    You are here because you have absolutely nothing better to do. You serve no purpose on this thread other than to amuse yourself. That would be a troll, sir.
    That's all I needed to know.

    Good day.
  3. ajax,

    come out in your news feed with what? I've got 4 people up my ass, all whom are more than twice my size. I'm not complaining. I'm happy to be taking all this incoming. It's the most action I've had since I've played this game.

    Just don't sit there thumping your chest over an accomplishment you deserve no credit for, especially in a public forum like this. You're not proving anything.
  4. I'm the one that has kept your SPIES pinned, if you've forgotten. That's all on me.
  5. roch,

    That's not the correct definition of trolling.
  6. ajax,

    so what? Why are you bragging about it in an open forum?
  7. Cause you keep saying 4? When I'm the only one keeping your spies down. Don't want other people taking credit for making you look like a *****
  8. ajax,

    There are 4 people more than twice my size attacking me at the moment. You're giving yourself more credit than you deserve.

    The only one looking like a fool here is you. You keep hooting and hollering about what a fantastic job you're doing of keeping me pinned. What does that prove, given our stat difference?

    Think about what I've accomplished. I don't pick on people weaker than me. I only attack people with equal or greater stats than me.
  9. Cause it'll be hard to find someone weaker than you, but fine, tell me when you've stopped getting hit. Then you'll have no excuse.
  10. Cool. Go hit the battle list some more then.
  11. Last comment was @Touch.
    You say I'm the stupid one here, but I'm only being farmed by one person. And that person has been farming me for days lol- has nothing to do with you.
    You are admittedly being hit by 4 people.
    Also- If you were successfully being spy pinned by 4 people, you wouldn't know it was 4 people spying on you. For all you know, Ajax could be the only one sitting on your spies, and the other people are sitting on your troops.
  12. ajax,

    there are thousands of people weaker than me. Going after the weak takes zero skill. I plan to only go after those equal to or greater than my stats for as long as I play this game.
  13. roch,

    why do you keep putting words in my mouth? Where did I say you were stupid?

    And what does that have to do with who is attacking me versus who's attacking you?

    As for knowing who's hitting me, when a spy fails, it still shows you who failed the attack. Why do you assume to know so much?
  14. Touch,

    I'm done with you, come to my newsfeed when nobody's hitting you, cool? Cool.
  15. also, roch,

    I'm still waiting for you to point to a post where I said I don't care and where I've trolled.
  16. Hey, Touch. I waited for you to leave my thread when I asked you to. I've been waiting for you to say something Relevant that isn't the same conversation we had 5 minutes ago. That didn't happen. So I don't owe you ****. You shouldn't take every thing so literally :roll: life isn't all black and white. You've made plenty of implications.

    You have to be drunk, high, or slow to be this incredibly dense.
    I'm bored of you.. Requesting lock!
  17. I read the first few pages of this thread and I'm getting a good image of how forums are nowadays.
    Way back when, a 1v1 thread would be celebrated and people would get all excited and it could spark more 1v1s and friendly wars (just me being nostalgic..)
    Now you can't make one without someone calling you an attention whore.
  18. Anyways respect for op looking for a good fight 
  19. So Touch_Me when am I gonna get farmed?
  20. So you toss out a bunch of baseless accusations then tie it all up with a lock and a final insult. Classy.