Curious about 1v1..

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Miss_Pinky (01), Oct 13, 2012.

  1. I did not come on you, I just HATE noobish players that think they can beat everyone because they spy farmed an ATTK build. Next time, just watch what you say.
  2. ajax,

    Again, please point to a single post where I'm whining. I'm just making fun of you for thinking you're so badass for keeping someone half their stats pinned. It's adorable!
  3. Touch you made a lot of stupid comments. It's your own fault Ajax decided he didn't like that.
  4. Noob fights..

  5. AGAIN with the stats, that's not helping your case in any way. If you KNEW my stats were bigger, why post things that'll upset me ? It's retarded -,-
  6. 9a7r1ck,

    and what's to stop an attack build from going after me with troops? Doesn't it pay better and cause your opponent to lose more gold? I thought I was the one who was supposed to be the noob here...
  7. No, he called YOU out.
    You said 'Ajax, I'll finish you when I'm done bunting Roch's pots'
    And he called you on your words by showing up in your newsfeed...
    Like right away you turned around trying to make him look bad for being twice your size :lol: you ran your mouth. As soon as I can manage a full regen I'll be joining in and hitting you.
  8. Lol val

    Look at page 14 when you say ' done want you crying when you bring the pain '

    Then throughout the rest of the thread you keep bringing up his stats.
  9. No. You'd be self pinning on quests/EB's.
  10. Touch.

    How is he supposed to come at you when you have his troops pinned with your spy's ?!! You are the only noob here.
  11. harry,

    I did say I would finish ajax after rich. I never said nor implied that it would be easy - that's all in your VERY creative imagination (good job!). Again, please point to a post where I whine about anything. Starting to feel like a broken record here...
  12. I assumed that you knew the mechanics and advantages of a hansel, and that was why you chose it.
  13. Nobody's saying you implied it would be easy.
    I'm saying, you challenged him. He called you on it. Showed up in your newsfeed.
    You don't get to whine about someone twice your size hitting you- not when you asked for it.
  14. Page 13 "Ajax, I'll finish you off when I'm done burning Roch's pots " that's EXACTLY what you said.
  15. ajax,

    how am I nebbish? attack builds have an advantage over spy builds unless they're pure spy. I've read the guides on here, and I know how stuff works. I'm not going to watch what I say on a damn video game - are you out of your mind? I won't watch my mouth in real life, let alone a virtual space. This is quite amusing.
  16. 9a7r1ck,

    oh well.
  17. By saying it in the way you said it, you are stating it'll be easy.
  18. Lol you're whining that he's 1m stats and you're only 500k
  19. NO they don't ? With my stats I've kept and 1,000 ATTK person pinned, using only spies. They have no advantage if they can't hit.
  20. ajax,

    I'm not a mind reader. How am I supposed to know what upsets people? Besides, I'm not upset about how this is panning out - it just gives me plenty of targets for when you're all sleeping :)