Curious about 1v1..

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Miss_Pinky (01), Oct 13, 2012.

  1. Ima be nice and leave you your attack troops, so you won't get bored.
  2. roch,

    I've been posting on your thread because idiots keep responding with their jibberish to me. Now that I'm done with sam, I need some more targets anyway, so this works out perfectly for me.
  3. 'Ajax- that must have been a REAL challenge considering you're twice my size. I'm sure all the readers would be impressed.'

    Whining. Lol. Nice way to hide the butt hurt that you can't hit him back.
    Yeah, I've used to same excuse- but that gives me even more of a right to call it what it is! It's butt hurt!
  4. ajax,

    where did I say there was no challenge? The only ones on this thread trying to sound like a badass are you and the other fools thumping their chests on this thread.
  5. 9a7r1ck,

    What I said on p 15 was "ajax - that must have been a REAL challenge being more than twice my size. I'm sure all the readers here are quite impressed!"

    Please point out the whining in that statement.
  6. ajax,

    I promise not to get bored. I don't need sympathy, unlike the OP of this thread.
  7. You said you like the challenge, but there is NO challenge . You stand no chance -,-
  8. roch,

    it's a natural response to some tough guy who just happens to have been playing longer and has better stats than me. It's not whining - it's pointing out the obvious. How hard is it to pin someone half your stats?

    Now if the tables are turned, that's an entirely different story, which is what I did to sam.

    If I was getting owned by someone my size or smaller, that would be embarrassing. Getting owned by someone bigger than me - hardly impressive.
  9. ajax,

    of course there's no challenge. There's no challenge in pinning someone with half your stats.
  10. I've been playing for 1 month, just saying.
  11. doesn't matter howlong you've been playing. I'm still half your size.
  12. So you complained about people bringing up your stats yet your complaining about my stats ? YOUR the one that said " I'll finish with you after .. Etc etc " is it MY fault you brought it upon yourself ? I'm sorry but if you don't like people bringing up your stats , don't bring up mine. That's hypocritical.
  13. Then why threaten him if you knew you would lose?
  14. ^ the exact point I made earlier. Touch, you're the one who ran your mouth to someone twice your size. You don't get to talk **** about him calling you out in your newsfeed.
  15. You know damn well spy stats beat attack stats, that's the ONLY reason your talking back to ATTK builds. Now your whining when a spy build keeps YOU pinned. That's a little noobish.
  16. ajax,

    I'm not complaining about stats here. I'm just watering down your chest thumping about keeping me pinned - it's not an impressive feat given your stats.

    Please show me a single post where I've complained.

    You brought this upon YOURSELF. I WILL finish you once I'm done with roch. You're not proving anything by continuing your chest thumping campaign.

    Nothing hypocritical about it. You thump your chest about pinning me, I point out your weakness for doing so. It's that simple.
  17. harry,

    he came at me first.
  18. roch,

    I didn't call him out - he came at me first.
  19. Touch you talk about how you like challenges

    Don't tell me Sam was a challenge. Yes, he has much bigger atk stats than you. But you know very well that any decent Hansel wouldn't be receiving any hits. No, you like going for people with big atk stats and kicking their ass with your spy stats and calling it difficult.
  20. When you say you will finish him after you finish roch? Surely you are saying that he will be easy, but now you are being beaten, you whine about him being bigger?