No earn you stats.. By being active and putting time and effort in! It should be a lot easier now as t4 been slashed in half Damn you Devs!
No, but it would be great if we can use gold to buy xtals.. It benefits both parties, for kaw by not giving it for me & for players you need to be more active so you can purchase crystal's..
The whole idea of crystals, is to unload more, surely if you unload to get crystals you get an unlimited loop when larger player earn more per hit
They would get at least 280 every 2 weeks!!! That would make it to easy on them Maybe make a misc. building that generates crystals every 2 weeks,but not something for free Maybe a $20 purchase that Unlocks the buildings(make more than one misc building)and then put different tiers of miscs Then it would be ok