crystals should be given every 2 weeks!!!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *dragonmaster65 (01), Aug 16, 2012.

  1. Do you even know that a republican is different from a democrat?
  2. Republicans=homophobes. That's all he needs to know. ;)
  3. And yes kungpow i do realize the difference between the two political parties
  4. You shouldn't make threads.
  5. I was asking the creator of this thread, but whatever...
  6. How about every week you get 1 xtal/1M CS that you DON'T have? Up to 5M CS. This would help smaller players get a boost up, while larger player won't get anything. That would help narrow any gap, rather than widen it.
  7. I like Delphins idea better than OP's idea
  8. Support For delphins idea.
  9. Delphin support.
  10. So 2 for every 50K stats?

    That means I would receive about 120 Xtals XD

    (Delphin's idea sounds promising tho :p)
  11. So I would get 96.9504 crystals per week. Cool!
  12. No just use the ones you get wisely
  13. Ok i wasnt thinking about all of the things that would happen to devs or anything. So forget about this forum cuz its is a terrible idea. Srry
  14. Support!

    To Delphin