Crystal Counter

Discussion in 'Wars' started by DDS-_-lllD3VILlll-_-DDS, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Okay, if a guy uses 2 health crystals and another doesn't, that guy should have roughly 2-3x more actions (counting failed attemps) than the said guy that doesn't use any health crystals. So you can easily tell who has used their crystals and who hasn't. So no, no support to this.
  2. Support, it is not only about detecting who not use xtals. The info helps detecting liars. Many ppl said receiving many inc after xtal, my xtal was wasted, etc.
  3. Lets humiliate the less fortunate guys! 
  4. It's not easy to judge who uses crystals, because who knows if the person who says their crystal was wasted actually used one? Only the person who used it, or didn't.
    All major MMORPG have P2P servers and so on that are lag-free with much better features.
  5. I dont see why the devs cant run a series of no xtal wars for the poor players, besides xtal sales.
  6. SUPPORT!!!

    As ckan owners/commanders/helpers help to identify who potentially did not use xtal, they might remove/ban them from wars and replace by xtal users - which helps kaw to potentially generate more revenues and hopefully hire top notch employees to provide a better gaming experience for everyone
  7. Clan*

    Other typos...oh well
  8. No support.

    Don't forget that kids play this game, so they won't have crystals all the time. So, they'll get stick for something they can't help.
  9. I support...brilliant idea...LOVE IT!
  10. do you really believe people want to waste a buck on an xtal? oh, you do? then why punish those that dont?
  11. Considering the devs have doubled the limit of cash you can burn on the game, my guess is quite enough do Zed.
  12. meh. i cant see myself burnin money on xtals. then again, my opinion might change later on. but for now, the only reason that keeps me from supporting is the way this new mechanic may be used. keepin people from warring with you just because they may not be able to afford xtals, or just might not want to? kinda pathetic, dont you think
  13. If people on our side are going to use crystals to win the war, and then others who claim they have crystals but don't will freeload and cause you to waste your cash and lose the war? That's not pathetic is it.
    Especially considering it is us who keep the game running, and pay for the updates.
  14. honestly, if youre willing to use xtals to further your efforts to win a war, more power to you. dont condemn those who dont, for you dont know WHY they cant. maybe they want to, but cant afford it. maybe itll come down to using an xtal on kaw or buying your kids food.. think about that. if you use xtals, thats fine. dont punish those who dont
  15. If you are struggling to pay for your children's food you should most definitely not be on KaW spending two hours flat. I would rather beg on the street than have my children go hungry.
  16. doesnt have to be that scenerio. you may just be lying in bed at night and your kids are asleep. even so, it doesnt change the fact that some people just cannot afford to spend the money on a game. there's alot more important things in life than xtals: bills, food, schooling, gas, etc. that xtal is like half a gallon of gas for me, depending on the current price. do you think ill buy xtals and risk not making it to work because i couldnt put enough gas in my tank?
  17. It's $2 for half a gallon of gas? If you are struggling to pay bills you shouldn't really be on KaW at all. This game consumes time like anything. That could've been the worth argument I've ever heard.
  18. im not struggling to pay bills, but someone else might be. and you know just as well as i do how addicting this game can get. deleting this game and focusing on work is easier said then done. but thats not my point. why critisize someone who doesnt use xtals? you havent actually givin me a good reason to do so