Crux Reward Token Leaderboard

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 8, 2014.

  1. So #1s name is allowed and not a rename? Well done
  2. I have 5 tokens. Does this meen I win?
  3. Farming LB in 3...2...
  4. I'm 100 away from top 1000 :(
  5. Im 50 away but I refuse to spend $ on events so oh well
  6. Neither did I, been getting them dropped from creates.
  7.  has never farmed anyone but you're gonna start with lb?
  8. Love pvp event.. Can get into LB.. This event.. All about HTE :-(
  9. Its terrible that these "EVENTS" are economically biased towards wealthy players who can buy their way top leaderboard.
  10. Interesting 
  11. Am I the only who still have uncomverted tokens? :(
  12. Everyone should get a seal of the damed "no purchase necessary" thank you
  13. Top 1000 Collectors
    1 Horn of Calydor
    4 Health Crystals
    25 Aqua
    25 Inferno
    2 Building Tokens
    12% Plunder Spell (1 Week Duration)
    Achievement (Level 3)

    500 Crux Reward Tokens
    2 Health Crystal
    15 Aqua
    15 Inferno
    2 Building Tokens
    10% Plunder Spell (1 Week Duration)
    Achievement (Level 2)

    The differences there are so little I see no reason to complain not being top 1000.

    You still get 2 build tokens (the most valuable thing there if not HFBC ). 10 aqua/inferno can be got in a few EBs if not 1. 2% difference on plundah spell. 2 crystals difference and a HORN OF CALYDOR? Ohhhh. What's that a. 001% chance of getting a seal and maybe a few bill?

    If you're not making top 1000 be fine with it cause rewards aren't that impressive for them either.
  14. you know, if everybody who plays kaw paid say $10-$15 dollars a week, then maybe devs wouldnt set up events that are geared to generate revenue from the big spenders to balance out the cost of the non spenders.

    though, i much rather the big spenders get their value for keeping this game available and free for a lot of us.
  15. I searched most of the guys you are saying are on lb but it says they don't exist? :\
  16. I only have 102 reward tokens, but i have only been in two hte ebs so far so its not that hard to get rewards guys.
  17. Noob event . devs should take a event management degree or course first. xD