Crux Idea..

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by M1NT, Nov 12, 2014.

  1. I don't get it -_-
  2. So much wrong with this idea for buying it. How about earn it like sod and horns? Sounds good to me.

  3. Rarily do I see player earn seals. 98% of the people in hte clans purchased them.
  4. Support its great idea sexy
  5. Idea is flawed in part. In same way as smaller players want gold for upgrades and such larger players beyond that point yet again flood game with gold.

    ^ issue needs to be addressed before something like this is implemented.

    Keep it as a promo. Too much of a good thing jjst leaves you wanting even more.
  6. Support if they'd drop for free as seal/horn have small chance to. Perhaps a slightly higher drop rate
  7. no support. I'll go broke haha
  8. I support reasons as follows:
    1. It gives gold to smaller players to expand with.
    2. If you can buy then it helps devs.
    3. Allows devs to design new ebs for players to play.
    4. It allows for more lands to be added by devs.
    5. It could drop from the following:
    5a. Despire
    5b. Evanescence
    5c. Battle royal


  9. Did you even go to school?
  10. I say no we got hte promo n it never went away now all u here is hte this n need more just earn ur way up slow or pay to win it but quit asking for easy gold and crying. The more stuff like this that gets permed the closer u r to kill an app that is free it will become only pay to play or die
  11. How do you use so many ellipses in one post.