I think that's all anyone's getting lol, I've got like 20 Gold crux I've only got one. I don't XTAL unless I can stack lol.
I've gotten 3 the past 3 crates I've opened (1 gold, 2 regular chest) and I've only opened golden crates. But still, id prefer seals or xtals.
Yeah the last three days I've been getting chests matching the nature of the crate I opened. All were free opens.
i really prefer chest over tokens though, and all the gold crates i get are very generous with 20 to 40 token drops. like generous to the point of not understanding the point of gold crates.
How about the people who gets more than 500 crux token but not in top 1000 .. Lets say a guy need 10 more tokens to be on the lb by the end of the event are you going are just going to punch him in the face? Make a 750 and 1000 tokens prize please.
I tried opening two crates with lockpicks, both only dropped the same freebie items. When will the players take note of the pay to be scammed event that is going on here? To make matters even more insulting, this event one again randomly puts individuals into a faction, instead of making this about war. Why cant clan owners spin for their members, and all clan members that opt in are under the clan color? Then, other colors could war against big HTE clans of a different color, making the game return to a war state instead of this PvE fake farm building KaW that we have now.
game of chance..live with it Life is like a box chocolates.... As for owners casting factions what about ppl coming n going? More effort n less complaining if u want your idea considered.
I got a crux chest from a gold box, but the gold box's description says it contains a variety of rare items, that is not rare.