Crux Crusades: In Cold Blood

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Dec 4, 2014.

  1. Do you really think the top 10 players would use their building tokens, they would have hlbc and hfbc, so it's a waste of of prize
  2. Hi is possible that one attack build with 250+ hits get one token?and the worst of all,doing ts...i understand that hte was the best for them but your drops in other ebs are always you wont answer but i dont mind...only want to notice that drops in other ebs are a joke.the promos are good for helping players to get equips,etc but if the game is for 9+ age,im sure that they cant afford for i suggest that you should to revise the promos function and drops.thanks
  3. So. Y'all totally out of of ideas now since we already did this silly pay to play promo?
  4. Still haven't received win tokens win crate or tokens converted
  5. Are we going to get a lb for the tokens?
  6. If you all remember Kaw Admin was working on new buildings in his post on last event... maybe those will be released before the build tokens expire
  7. Need to be able to have more the one key ....24 hours for a key dont work well when you make 3-5 chest per day.
  8. You can buy lock picks for 10 nobs to open the other chests.
  9. Building tokens are helpful otherwise everything else isn't that important, so keep the bt in events for awhile please
  11. You try way to hard to be a modthey just named like 11 new ones.
  12. Plz let us open more than 1 crate per 24hrs
  13. Yet again coins didn't convert made over 50 tokens but lost was purple again and no chest... Is this going to get fixed?
  14. What exactly are the crux reward tokens used for?
  15. This event has been a big let down for me. Despite being very active I have received only 1 crate and that was by accident. Still at zero tokens and we were able to run another haunting today too. Anyone else getting zilch for this promo?
  16. Only good thing about this promo is the 200% plunder boost u can get amd the build tokens plz keep them in all furture promos
  17. The rounds been over for about 6 hrs and no one got prizes devs come on
  18. still no comments about how to compensate build tokens for land complete players?
  19. Why do I still have my color?
    Why havnt I got my losing reward of a crux chest?
    And why have I not got a crux drop from HTE in almost a day0.0?
  20. Hte hasn't dropped one for me yet and my clans been doing b2b hte for weeks