Crudex guide on how to have a successful thread

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by crudex1, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. Sorry about this breakdown like I said before I'm more just challenging myself
  2. Trolls are taken care of thank you to anybody who actually helped me or tried to help me
  3. You joined us yesterday and haven't made a "successful" thread yet yourself...
  4. Why sorry? Having a new forumer try to help, and learn from his mistakes is far from wrong :)
  5. The fact that you accept criticism and other ideas is just amazing, many would just counter criticize and start a discussion >.<
  6. Crudex, if you aren't a new forumer, why did you make a thread called "My introduction to forums"? You're either lying now, or are lying about the introduction.
  7. Also... If you want to make a guide on making successful threads, try to at LEAST incorporate all of the elements into the thread.
  8. Congratulations, I don't give a care.
  9. Didn't you made your first thread within the past 24hours, what make's you an expert?
  10. May I answer all of your questions. I do not mean to be cruel but breakdown is the only one here that has been kind. All of you other idiots that for some reason can't read must remember that I didn't say I was new. I said I had played before and this was a new account.
  11. Oh yeah, I used to be hlcbc on the lb, this is just a new acct 
  12. So why did you need to introduce yourself?
  13. Oh, and SoupNazi, keine suppe für sie
  14. Crudex was I mean? If so I'm sry, I wasn't trying to be):
  15. Locked per op request
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