The guide wulf has takes so much more time than a little one like this. When I made this I made/updated this as the phases/steps were found out. This was made a real quick reference so people knew what to do without freaking out/spamming forums wondering what to do as wulf was making his. I had finished both EBs on this before wulf finished the first one. When wulfs guide is done, i am sure people will let this drift away from AT and read wulfs. This has over 4 thousand views in the hours this has been up. So I am sure its helped quite a few people out
Thanks mate --Calypso--, -algiers-, -AuroraKnight-, -OK-, -Optimus_Prime-, 7-IXlX-Sweet_Jimmy-XlXI-7, 767pilot2, Alfa75, andor23, AphrodiTe_10, avayatech, Baltimorebignuts, baraca2, beautiful-Annihilation156, blatterz95, BrokenNight, csmak4utwo, dark-lady, defjam, DevilsVanity, Fractals, Gett_Rockedd, GrainTravels, Hakase21, HW-Sir-Stab-u-n-da-Kneck, iAfterThoughts, II1II0II1I__Brack__I0II1II01II, II__angeloflight__II, jms81, johnnyrebeljapan, JooseKing, jpeck, K598110, Leesil, llllllllllllPanadollllllllllll, lolyoumad, LordClark, l__RickTheRichard__l, Majin_Vegeta, marlen28, mattyhawk3, Meplay, MetalFX, MiNG-TiaN_Zi, MooseNuckle, Naruto_Uzumaki_9TJ, Nuxusu, N_C_U--UrzasApprentice, OMEGA369, pandafann, Pips-PeKing_Duck-N-Flied-Rice, PYT-MASTER, R0CK-STAR, Ronald-Wilson-Reagan, RoniN_73_THE_UNION, Satou-Shouri, SirFlatulent, slayerbob, SpearandMagichelmet, StarWalker88, Summer_Daze, SweeT-Love, Teijo, TheFifthKingdom, The_Ruler, tinypurplepegasus, Torpedo_E, triptoo, UK--MrsBlack--, UnisonRaid, wessW and 39 guests Im sure these people found it helpful a bit too