I've refrained from commenting on this thread because honestly u can't possibly take this seriously I'm going to make a wild guess and say op is younger then 17 ... Explains his view points Not saying everyone young is ummm well like this ... But just be glad most grow out of it
I do not recall the name of the video, as it was last year and a lot of things have happened since then. I apologize. But trust me, the video did state that.
Do you think if I told the court "trust me, I swear that didn't happen" they would believe me? No, they wouldn't. Therefore this video is not a valid source and should not and will not be referenced as such.
Have you forgotten that OP is a deciple of the cult of herpes and self harm? For thou art AutisticShad's follower thou shalt post ridiculous garbage all over the forum.
Well let's see no killing another human isn't right and can't be justified. If you're fine after killing a person you should be put into isolation. Stealing isn't right, if I'm waking down the street and a hobo ask for money I'll take him to get food and clothes. If my wife were to cheat Id sue her and take everything, her choice and she's not entitled to my hard work and dedication I've put in for her.
Well now I've got the video but I can't link it here because the website consisting of only videos is not affiliated with A Thinking Ape Inc.
Op, you have tragically forgotten about one trait....evil and lack of compassion, "criminals as you call them, but I will call them evil doers for the sake of this convo, don't really care what you or your loved ones think, like the carjackers that take the couples into the country and **** the girl infront of her love interest before killing them both, in the name of fun and a car to sell for parts. None of your arguments defend against this and it is just one of many examples so put out the Inscence and let the grown ups take care of the criminals.
What you mentioned, killing in the name of fun, is a mental disorder. Normal people don't feel that way. Is it fair to punish them if those people were born with a disability that nobody noticed that can be cured? This was just a debate thread to see what the KaWmunity thought, and the overwhelming response was to punish them for something they can't help.Also, I do believe if their mental disability cannot be cured, then they should be euthanized. Also, "grown up" is a vague term. Age-wise, you could call me an adult, but I am short.
Ok. The one about getting five months imprisonment if you have a motive to kill is just stupid. The person should know that killing is bad and the punishment is a deterrence to the murder. Punishment isn't really something to prevent future things happening, but to prevent past things happening. That is, people will decide that 20 years imprisonment isn't worth it.