7 confirmed entries, waiting on replies from people who have posted multiple if they would like to enter one.
When chaos starts to take over the world..the presence of evil will appear once again..the moral of man will vanish...the path of light will be hidden...who will save you? When the world is devoured by bloodshed...who will protect you? The answer is METALLIC KNIGHTS! [title=grey+white]HISTORY[/title] Metallic Knights was formed by a lone knight. Legends say that this knight has been around since the very beginning of time. He has traveled the world and was honored with being apart of some great and fierce battles. Along with that came sacred bonds of friendship. The knight knew that the presence of evil was coming and bringing with it death and destruction. This battle to come would be his toughest battles of all time. The question is could he fight this alone? No, he couldnt. The knight quickly scrambled across the world and gathered his most trusted and loyal freinds to fight at his side and it was together that they became known as MK{Metallic Knights}. The Leader became known as 6 to all who followed him. 6 ordered the forces he had to prepare for a fight in the middle of the valleys battlefield. Suddenly, the ground started to tremble as the enemy forces approached them. Terror and Sorrow swept across the battlefield, and it was in that second that the will to fight was nearly zapped from the armies of Mk. 6, not looking to give up, yelled words of encourage to rejuvenate there fighting spirits. The enemies of darkness were massive and smelled of death and molten blood. Even though 6 was backed by his newly created forces Mk, it was still as if it was an army v.s two. 6 told his subordinates that this might be a one way trip, but we must stand against evil for we seem to be the only ones left. At that moment, the enemy forces charged sounding like a massive train wreck as the sound echoed through the valley. MK, being a lot smaller still didnt Back down.6 yelled for his friends to meet them head on. Time seemed to slow down as Mk and the forces of evil charged towards each other. Arrows rained down from the heavens unto the forces of evil. Arrows pierced them easily like cutting through a stick of butter. By the time MK and the enemy forces took notice of what was really going on the battle had commence. MK and the forces of evil clashed with a mighty vengeance. Blood-lust and Death corroded the air.What seems like an hour went by before the battle was over. 6 and his Friends were exhausted and were only thinking about one thing. Who? or What? caused those arrows to rain down from the sky? Was this an unknown alliance? or future allies?.......{To be continuted} [title=grey+white]REQUIREMENTS/RULES[/title] POST ADS20 MIL CS REQ NO DRAMA CC REQUIRED CLAN ROLES ARE EARNED NO FARMING Those visiting and in an active OSW may be kicked at any given time Horns/Seals dropped here are used here Respect everyone DOORS ARE CLOSED DURING ZTA/HTE UNLESS YOU ARE FAMILY* Who do I contact if I have questions? [title=grey+white]HIGH CHAIN OF COMMAND[/title] OWNER: 6Superbowl {6}[/color] COUNCILS: GrandTetons {Grand} - AncientSorrow {Sorrow} - Sev7en {7} - Boricus - Guerrero {BG} - Kairiri {KIKI} - Aphrodite {Aph} *Any perm member of mk will be able to provide answers to simple questions,but if you wish to ask any questions regarding allies,alliance,etc then contact above personels* The decisions made by Owner/Councils are final..... What are you looking for in new potential members? Metallic Knights is a clan developed upon loyalty and honor. We are looking for new and active people who prefer family above all else. If you enjoy having nice conversations and at times not so nice ones then by all means stop by. Visitors are always welcomed to stop by. [title=grey+white]BEWARE MIA[/title] She is the funnest and most sweetest person you will ever meet but she will attempt to strip you naked if given the chance.. Watch your back and keep your allies