Massive fires last summer in Canada followin a drought... my town was covered in smoke for weeks. Funny thing is, my town was hundreds of kilometers from the fires. You could see from satellite images that most of the province was covered in smoke.
Vass the only sheep here is you. Climate change is scientific. The smartest people in the world have proven that the greenhouse gas effect holds true. There's no denying that the greenhouse gas effect exists. What you fail to realize is that corporations have brainwashed you into believing that government is bad, and therefore oil companies should be subsidized and corporations in general should have taxes slashed. You bought into the Red Scare (how does the fear of social policies still exist, 25 years after USSR collapse?). What more? Fake scientific studies and lies funded by oil companies form the basis of the "cyclical" argument. The politicians who tell you that climate change is false are the same politicians who receive millions of dollars from oil companies. If you don't think this is true, then pay attention to what the tobacco companies did before they were crippled. They funded ad campaigns to try to show that smoking wasnt bad at all... which, I hope you know, is a lie. You can also pay attention to the fast food industry and how they convinced politicians that pizza is a vegetable. In the absence of power by the people through the use of government, you have power by money.
We know the carbon levels of past eras, as well as the general temperatures of those eras. When carbon levels were high, the earth was hot. When levels dropped, temperature also dropped. We can also look at Venus as an example of a runaway greenhouse gas effect. While this data is just a few examples, there have been experiments done to show how the greenhouse gas effect works.
I do agree that the greenhouse gas effect is a real thing but I don't really think it has much of an effect on how much the earth is heated. Wouldn't it make sense that the Sun which is millions of degrees Fahrenheit and has fluctuations in sunspot activity as well as solar flares and other things makes the temperature on earth fluctuate slightly? Most people don't know this but in the seventies the government said that the Earth was headed toward a another ice age, cried global cooling and try to figure out ways to warm the earth. Cows also produce 200 times more methane than humans create carbon dioxide and methane absorbs around 300 times more heat than carbon dioxide. If we're going to try to stop global warming not that I'm saying its real we should start being more hamburger not trying to control how much energy people use.
There's this thing that brings in moisture in winter months every few years for NA it's called El Niño. That and different ocellation patterns. I guess they are effecting even west Europe as well. Also keep in mind that Europe as a whole is only as big as Madagascar or one western USA state so weather can be the same in the entirety of Europe from one system On a side note look up different map projections of earth. They will blow your mind. Ex: by land mass area the entire rest of the globe can fit on the continent of Africa
That calculated by a "global thermometer " which actually isn't how temperatures are measured over large distances. They use satellites to measure temperatures on news channels and things so basically that warmest year on record thing is BS because the global thermometer really doesn't measure anything
99.9% of all temp reading are done on ground near airports. Everything else you see is extrapolated via a model and a form of gis software. Idk where you learned this but it's wrong lol
they use a statistical average... add up all recorded/ year/ decade/ millenia... (some taken from fossil or geologic record) and divide by the sample size... global temperature dont change much in the short term, however, if it were to increase or decrease by even 1-2 degrees it would trigger a climatic shift.
So I've heard. I don't think people will be around long enough to see that happen though. It will take thousands of years if not more.
One of the only ways to reverse global warming is through the eruption of a super-volcano. Yellowstone. This however would lead to a huge loss of life.
Okay the Trump comment was funny but, your fired. Washington was hit hard by Mother Nature, so I'm sure it's a larger message. Senate will prolly stop any progress for the poor Americans while the speaker cries, and they accuse each other wrong doings. England no idea, prolly Scottish tears for taxation for centuries with no reciprocal infrastructure development.
Damn. Just read about the death toll from that storm, 19 killed and it is supposedly heading for the UK :| Better get the thermal gear out.