Discussion in 'Strategy' started by fluffles, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. Tomorrow is my 2 year mark on the forums and this is my first thread. Just bumping this.
    -fluffles :)
  2. Lol yeah, I had to go on PC to find this. I joined forums in march but didn't post any threads until October? :|
  3. My grammar is horrendous. I frankly didn't care when I was 16 about that though. :roll:
  4. Epic idea fluffles :lol:
  5. Awesome u remember your forums anniversary.
  6. And couldn't you just get t2-3s and drop your builds as well?? You still could whoop any noob with 10 bil in allies?? Duhh
  7. I started out this account item burning. Had 12bil at most and never lost a battle against a noob
  8. I don't remember... It tells your join date on PC. :| I don't keep a kaw diary... Anymore :lol:
  9. That's called a bank.
  10. They would be able to hit back as your BFA is considered part of your stats.
  11. Might get called a hacker lol
  12. Just bank 1.5 t and restore build.
  13. I think Rajang explained it best. Was done a few times in the past. Stable build.
    There was a castle build as well, don't know how the mechanics worked but apparently one could open all lands, drop all buildings with a castle and a stable, with high enough BFA, made unlimited plunder. Was cool but as with any exploit, devs got to it. Just like the tower build advantage is no longer one in EE.
    Fluffles grats on the 2yr mark.
  14. it won't work in terms of being able to farm loads of small players but you'll be able to farm players a hell of a lot larger than you and make a lot of money
  16. my wife :3