crappy iPhone

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by corsair, Oct 31, 2015.

  1. It's funny to hear new people say stuff like this. It sounds like my rant when I tried android. There's a learning curve I guess...
  2. You do know that's it is impossible to compare specs of 2 different companies? What you just posted does not make the slightest bit of sense
  3. All you provided was your word that it is fact, sorry bud this is the Internet I don't take people at their word I use my own experiences. Remember the tablet PC? Came out around '02, iPad? 2010. So again I don't take anyone at their word on the Internet simply for the fact many talk out their ass.

    Boasting Apple's superiority with nothing to back it up with besides four letters is known as bragging, which you claim Apple users don't do. However some people are just so blind they can't see what's in the mirror.
  4. Nobody caressss and ur post makes no sense but I guess everyone is entitled to an opinion.

    Btw ur build is crap too, I would raid u but u pay worse than missions LOL

    Ninja out
  5. You must be new here to the IPhone/Apple world! Welcome!

    Let me show you around.

    This year, we are motivating our members to me a little more "hands on" their phones. What I mean by this is that you can almost use every part of the iPhone! Unlike the Android.

    To close all your apps, just press on the home button twice and you'll see all the apps you have used. Feel free to close any as you wish! You many never know which you need again.

    Ever heard of multitasking? I'm sure you have as you stated you are a busy man. With the iPhone you can do 3 things at the same time! Be on a call, search the web, and actually have it on speaker while in the car! Amazing right?

    I know what you're thinking, "how is this any different from the android?" Well you silly little goose. I'll explain how. Android always had that pesky feature of theirs where you phone had 3-99999999999 pages of apps you may probably never used. Or just used 1-3 of them.

    Well, apple has programmed it to give you 7-9 free apps as a bonus in case you ever need them! In the end, you end up using about all of them! Isn't that meat of Apple? Thinking ahead when using that space available for you.

    Well my time is up and I must meet with other noobs such as yourself! Enjoy the phone!

  6. To be fair you can just root which isn't hard and remove all the bloatware.
  7. The only way I've found to use data and talk on the phone is when I'm connected to wifi.
  8. The OnePlus is a Chinese start up that sold a million devices in 6 months and has 5m registrations for their next.

    I'm going to forgive your ignorance here, I'd love to explain it out to you, but over the years I've noticed that spewing drivel on threads is what you're good at.
    Should have stayed retired fail troll. :)
  9. Lol thats why android is better, easier to use, and better specs, and cheaper...
  10. And to whoever just said how android has tons of apps you dont use, what it does is give you access to certain applications that iphones do not give you access to, thats why it seems less. It shows you whats taking up that xtra space.
  11. Like I said before, most apple users know don't what they're talking about. :lol:
    If they knew better, they wouldn't be using apple.
    A pure android experience is minimalistic and vanilla at its essence.
    I barely have a page of pre installed system apps on my Nexus 6. Zero bloatware.
  12. Well when ur phone has 128g memory a few apps dont matter. N actually if ur referring to new ios apps u can delete. Productivity apps ios includes are amazing little things. Its for people that dont sit on a computer and have found what a real smartphone can do. By the face at end i can tell ur pc guy above me lol. Ur claiming how great droid is yet ur playing on pc not ur droid
  13. :p

    iPhone : hte, zte
    android: aff, haunts

    you choose and scrap that spec comparison, no one here would throw his iPhone, neither would you convince everyone to buy it. :D
  14. Not sure what you mean by "the face at the end."
    It's a simple BBcode that you can post from any phone. :) lol : ) Remove the spaces.

    Sadly Sir, I am not playing through my PC. Nice try though. ;)
  15. I think it's funny that you have the audacity to call any product crappy when you have that username.
  16. Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    Do you want some aloe Vera with that burn?