What do you mean? Is what I'm saying contradictive to how I actually am .. Not really I act that way just not as severe seeing I don't usually fight online irl. I hear you using a lot of verbs but not taking action
If half your clan had left it sounds like they did you a service filtering out the eb noobs , you should pay them for a job well done
Just had a read through of this thread, and thought I might share my two cents. Firstly, this is kingdoms at war correct? Since when was pvp considered bad? A 1v1 is a fun aspect of the game that many forumers and kaw players in general can enjoy. However, bringing two clans onto a single player after not attempting to sort out the issue is an act of war. I've been in numerous osw's and pvp fights, and this is the first I've seen caused by something so trivial. Granted my opinion is clearly biased, but I truly believe we aren't in the wrong. Secondy, not only are they and their sub hitting, they also called in allies. Without allies we are still smaller by far, so why call In assistance if you claim you can fight? Thirdly, I'm not the running type, and ill be staying until this is done as I'm loyal to my clan. Unfortunately, some others are not. Due to this, they have run from the OSW and abandoned the clan. That's our issue and it's frustrating. What is foolish of crackdown though, is the farming and extortion of those trying to leave. I've never seen runners be charged to leave a war, and farming them is OUR job. Don't get me wrong, I actually think crackdown are good fighters, and my newsfeed is always full. What I'm saying is that this shouldn't have escalated the way it did, and they are clearly abusing their size with the four trillion gold cf terms. As a small clan, we simply don't have the ability to pay that, nor should we. I respect many members of the clan, including the alliance of rebels rebelled which was called in. As for the management though, this respect is much lessened.
Thinking of joining your side RAGE. I have personal reasons, screw your good fight. There's someone in crackdown I have a score to settle with. I'm just getting their side of the story though
@Trauma ..well said. A pvp turned into a farming of one player. Then to two players and then to an osw We tried to sort it but with no luck. Clearly they are much bigger and stronger then we are even prior to some of our members leaving
Nice u guys made this thread now the whole kaw community know u auck dicks u call is the bullies shoudn't have hit sub own fault nubs enjoy the arse whooping