CR vs Sic and ISS. OSW thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. I'm not in cr any more so sicniss might actually stand a chance lol if I was still there it'd be over by now 
  2. Is this war over ?
  3.  Dude stfu

    is it over?

    is it a rivalry or a one sided assault?
  5. D. All the above
  6. According to a member of CR:


    I assume a mutual cf.
  7. Not the way i assumed it to end :/
  8. Since it was bumped to active and I know what happened. I will answer it once and for all. It went bang and then boom. Then wang and then pang, then oooo then Aahhh. And when the dust cleared the American League won 3 to 0. No exactly how I pictured it but hey is for horse. So use it to attract them if you are into them. There is no hope in dope but you can hope that you have more dope. The bottom line is that if you don't know jack then bang Jill. The grass is alway greener if you poop in your yard. If you can stand the heat then don't bang in the kitchen with your stove on while your kids wake up in the middle of the night for water but to take your midget in the fridge where it's cool and no one can see..

    Now lets lock this thread since its over and answered
  9. Thought it would have a different ending