Is kreuzritter involved now? I know they were allied with ISS in the past. My owner's banner says they are in one. Will get more info. The actual clan Sic and Iss are in now is SicnIss. If that wasn't obvious.
I don't know who will win.....but Romney has a slight lead but you never know Obama pulled it out last time. It will be close I just hope it fixes our economy.
Lol @ anti Christ, saying this about Apoc and that about Og in a weak attempt to stir it up. Tell ya what buddy how about you ignore what any alliances can or cannot do, let us know which clan your main is in and then we'll talk ok suga Maybe not a statless alt but defo a statless moron
Sounds like it'll be a good fight. I know both sides are always looking for a tussle no matter what anybody says.