CR vs Sic and ISS. OSW thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. Apoc is more than an alliance it's a family 
  2. Lol he just had to throw that in thereno one cares Dude, no one.
  3. @inath - if apocalypse is a family not an alliance then please elaborate the recent separation of monster garage, xfury, heart of gold from your family? I'm trying to wrap my head around this... Family stay together no? Alliances come and go no? Or do you guys have a different definition for it? Are you implying also that the "family" will aid mighty lb ranked cr against sicniss which I can't find on the clan lb board?
  4. Hmmmmm should I involve myself? Answers on a postcard or my wall pls  been a while since I striped noobs 
  5. In all honesty I don't believe CR can last in an OSW agains sicniss alone. They'll either directly call in alliance for help, or "weave" something so that they can call help in through some other reason, then say the old "family sticks together".

    "A coward dies a million deaths, a soldier dies but once"...
  6. Chaos Reborn has my respect and support.
    This is going to be a Great War
  7. sicniss For The Win
  8. Why are the yafi and warlor guys hating towards chaos reborn? Lolz
    Personally from what I know, I would say that cr are a pretty kick ass clan? I heard of ISS as well but not so much the sic guys. LB status doesn't really mean anything here I don't think. Cr are not long out of a big war with zaft and ISS aren't noobs. Fairly evens itself out
  9. At The Near Statless At Above Me Please Never Post Without Doing Some Background Ever Again There Is A Thread On SicNoc A Few Spots Below This One Now Begone u
  10. No offence but reading the near statless alts opinion was more enjoyable then reading your "caps every word with no punctuation".

    Seems people forget cr is also a very good osw clan. Support to them.
  11. ~Support to SicnISS~
    BlackHand oG Alliance
  12. CR call for Apoc help = Sicniss call in OG or even 1/4 of OG. Outcome = END OF APOC

    Catch my drift
  13. @behavior, bring ur main, that's the only thing u will see the end of. "catch my drift"? 
  14. I'm sure last time these guys went at it, SiC NoC came out on top :lol: . Wasn't it Cr who wanted the CF last time just so they could go help rest of apoc in war against zaft :roll: .

    Anyways if CR did call in Apocalypse then no doubt they would be smashed by oG, they would be out numbered and out gunned. Not only that im sure MG HoG and X's Fury know a few secrets of apoc that could bring them down quick. And from what ive heard these guys looking for a excuse to hit apoc just to let them know that there missing out now.

    On the flip side tho oG is a group of has beens, so do they even have the heart to war for long periods anymore? i do remember oG getting there rear end handed to them in war against WDGAF :lol: :lol: :lol:

    At the end of the day tho SUPPORT for SiCnISS in a 1v1, CR got no hope. But lets keep our fingers crossed that CR go crying to apoc like last time so we can see a few more in this war haha :lol:
  15. statless alt
  16. Something wrong with your eyes Mike, i have stats and im not a alt either. Did i touch a nerve with you? im not far of your stats lol
  17. Pretty sure anti Christ is an alt. 
  18. It looks like the statless alt Anti Christ is the one that's butthurt here