CR vs Sic and ISS. OSW thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. @loverboy Here comes the statless alt hate wagon. No, my main is not forum banned.

    But it doesn't matter if I'm a statless alt. it's not as if I'm acting as a badass and calling someone out. I'm just stating the truth and facts.
  2. Hey messi regarding your misinformed post about "apocalypse" vs sicnoc, well as I said you are misinformed.

    When we were apart of apoc and during that osw only time we saw anything regarding sic noc in ca was when it was a large strip on an individual. No attacks were thrown.

    Idk if in your mind that indicates a whole alliance vs sicnoc, but it wasn't.
  3. @jester I've never said I'm the same as a guild hansel with equipment. If you are referring to the Alison incident, I only said the motives are kinda same. I only said that a Alison can't call me gutless because of her build.
  4. Truth and facts is u know nothing about YAFI. We have many players that are clan owners and we can easily make 20 clans with 5 members in each clan with our current roster per say just to gang bang on one clan. Does it change anything? It's still the same clannies the same roster.

    It's not like an alliance or family clan like apocalypse where each clan have their own leaders and councils etc.

    Like I said run along.. Arma could be right I may indeed pinch a few nerves and having said that sicniss is a single clan vs cr as a single clan at this point in time... So lets see if the bigger ranked and more reputable cr can take on sicniss alone without involving their alliance or family clans however they wanna call it. 
  5. Messi and Armageddon are the same guy :lol: it's not often you see someone praising himself with his alt on forums lmao.

    I don't want to portray myself being against yafi. And I'm not a CR alt.

    Fact: yafi is my favourite clan.

    But I don't like hypocrisy. And will point it out when I see it.
  6. Statement from a cr informant.

    The ally hiring issue was over a week old b4 the war started.

    Apparently a CR member was hit 4x from Sicniss, and the four hits were returned. Sicniss then unloaded on the CR member. Some scattered hits from various Sicniss members followed, and a CR leader was unloaded on. The 2 farmers were out in CR ca.

    The farmed CR leader then spoke to 2 Sicniss leaders, who expressed bitterness over the week old ally hiring issue (no farming occurred) that was thought to be resolved. They demanded an apology for the few hits that sicniss received.

    We told them if there was no farming there was no reason for an apology and no cf was broken. They responded by putting all of CR in CA and declaring war on us.
  7. @Messi your just beating around the bush now.

    At the time when yafi was at war with DTH. Infinity's elite did have a council. So you're wrong and it seems that you need to do some research on your own clan/alliance.
  8. why do I bother with u ...

    @oli I've bumped a thread regarding the old sicnoc vs cr war - seems like they took heavy inc from apocalypse
  9. Didn't know that if you have a cf you can still hit the clans we have cf with as long as its not farming so for example if cr hit zaft 4x per clanny per day it's not violating cf right? Since 4x per clanny per day is not farming And I'm assuming vice versa
    OP I doubt your sources I really do
  10. @messi Yup. You shouldn't bother. Because you know you got caught red handed being a hypocrite.

    On another note. I do agree that CR broke the cf, but why farm after a week lol
  11. Interesting
  12. Nothing coming from a statless alt is interesting or worth paying attention to.
  13. LPPL - hypocrite because our clan got too big?  I was in infinity council, buzz light year council, ktv council, retired council, forum council,xtal council,kpkb council, tcss council all sorts of council does it matter.... All our members carry our banner regardless of which clan we are in. I was firing from outside of main clan - that's considered an extra clan by your theory

    amen and good luck to both sicniss and cr - unless I see posts from either side Phil's thread are usually misinformed
  14. The clan got too big is just an excuse now. Anyway as I've already said you're just beating around the bush now...
  15. I smell bait. Warning to any nearby fishermen.
  16. Statless alt - why not state the truth with your main? If you're obviously not calling someone out, why the fear to post with your main?
  17. Sicarius Noctis and I.s.s (Insomniac Smash Squad) merged due to a few leaders in I.s.s being dev reset due to the gold exploit a few weeks back.

    Tech, Holly, Sig, and Shamrock I believe all were affected by this. (Not trying to make ISS look bad by any means, I'm simply stating what occurred)

    Many of the accounts are still in I.S.S tempest. I'm assuming they are involved too. Not sure about I.s.s Conquest, if it is active still or not.

    Sic Noc and Iss have a long list of alliances. I doubt this will end well for CR.

    I give it a month.
  18. Y do ppls cry over some one buying a allie off them as long as u don't get hits from the ppl just say thank u for the money and buy a new one if u like the allie that much just buy back and make it o we priced so ppls don't buy
  19. IE was yafi. I was there