CR vs Sic and ISS. OSW thread

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. Yafi went against MANY with the stats they have. Ofcourse stats would matter if they had almost no stats lol but when they already have a good base of pretty big people then no it doesn't matter. The thing that matters most is who's willing to keep going , when they no longer can.
  2. yAFI is ranked 40 strongest clan overall
  3. Yafi was small if you compare them with their former enemy's.... In number and even in stats/ally gold.
    I don't want to play teacher now
  4. Another one who doesn't understand...
    This is about other clans, lets stay on topic ;)
  5. Osw threads always go off topic when the two clans in the actual osw don't care to comment.
  6. Nobody cares where these clans are ranked aside from kids that have a quick hand shandy when their EB clan hits top 100 or whatever.

    Banks, alliances, tactics, moles, nob/xstal junkies, ruthless relentless aggression. These are what matter not where the clan is ranked

    And lets face it. No matter where it is ranked, you can guarantee it won't be there by the end of the war unless they end it quick
  7. @Argoli point taken.
  8. u guys know nothing about YAFI... Go do some research...

    This thread is about sicniss vs cr so lets keep to the topic shall we

    Talking about strength in numbers bla bla .. Last I recall cr called in their entire apocalypse alliance to take on the then sicarius noctis. Ended up in mutual cf if I recalled correctly.... So lets see how long before CR goes running to apocalypse alliance again... They couldn't take sicnoc (not sicniss) by themselves then ... Don't see how they can now... And if that happens sicniss already won the war!

    Just saying 
  9. TNT just because I choose to not be part of a war clan does not mean that I am far away from OSW
  10. @messy So you mean yafi has never gang banged one clan?

    I'm not against gang banging your opponent. But when you accuse someone else, you should be clear of that accusation yourself too.

    How about the time yafi used two clans against DTG?
  11. Another terribly misinformed thread.
  12. It's Messi for starters ... And regarding DTH it's not gang banging. Our clan got too big in size to fit in one so we had 2. It's common knowledge. Like I said go do your research.. Now run along this is not a YAFI thread.
  13. @Messi Oh I just remembered. There was third clan hitting them too. Infinity's elite. I'm 100% sure infinity's elite was brother clan Sort of like an alliance.

    Now don't use the same excuse with infinity's elite as you did before.

    The fact is you guys used three clans against DTG. As I've already said I'm not against it. But if you're going to accuse someone else, you've got to be clear of the accusation yourself.
  14. omg this guy... I think u should go find where infinity elite's members are now and where were they before
  15. Sooo, how did it start... ?
  16. There's a reason it's a statless alt. And the common excuse."main is forum banned" will be used. Grow a pair, post with main, and not statless alt.
  17. @messi It doesn't matter where IE was before and where they are now.

    I know you are trying to say that they were part of yafi and are a part of yafi now.

    But the fact is they existed as a separate clan during the war with DTH.

    I'm not trying to diss yafi. I like yafi and respect them. But I don't like hypocrisy. And you messi are acting like a hypocrite.
  18. Don't start that one loverboy. He uses the excuse that he is the same as a guild hansel with full eq.
  19. which part of our clan grew too big you don't understand lol messi bro sounds like you pinched a nerve  that dude may be a cr alt