Here is a pm comment I got from an anonymous source. I was secretly told that cr wanted to take one last try at SN before they got any bigger. This is because of the SN/ISS merge
Apparently this started over ally hiring. A sicniss member hired an ally off a CR member. It was rehired and I think one love tap followed with a wall post to not hire his allies. This was followed by another rehire and 5 hits. There you go. Instant osw.
CR says they had no plans to move against Sic. Sic took the ally hitting as a cf violation and opened fire.
Statement from a cr member. This all happened very fast, and I know some sicniss leaders weren't even aware that War had been declared on CR
Cr statement continued. I've seen some pms of sicniss leaders trying to back out of it, but after they out the whole clan in ca, we said no dice.
It's be nice if you could list the full names of those corps/alliances in case people haven't heard of them.
A CF agreement means cease fire - no hits not even ally hits otherwise might as well stay in OSW I strip you or "hire" your ally - you hit me.. Sounds like war not CF. And if everyone like most LB with allies that are off limits then what's left for the others? If there's a CF in place then no ally hits or CF broken simple. ALLIES ARE FREE MARKET - U WANNA OSW DON'T KEEP UNDERPRICED - WAR COURTESY SHOULD BE EXTENDED IN EE WARS - too many fake osw goingIf philophile sources are correct "highly unlikely" then CR broke CF .. Simple
This, this makes me very happy. Something to notice about the strength of the "family" that sic noc, intermass and ISS had is that they merged all three clans together and still aren't top 50. Now maybe they are top 100 can anyone tell me if they are?
Oh yeah the stat difference between CR ranked 31 and SICnISS ranked 141 is no biggie. Cuz apparently stats dont matter AT ALL to this guy over here
Lol zethro we realize your more geared towards the eb fairy aspect of the game, but that doesnt mean you have to wipe your ignorance on these osw threads
@Argoli I know stats aren't everything but they do matter. Believing otherwise is dumb. And why ask yafi? Yafi wasn't a small clan..