CR Leaders: Can You Come Out And Play?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by SicNocXxDr34dL0rdxX, Nov 21, 2012.

  1. Support to Sic Noc as allways

    Chaos Reborn, we know all of you are family, but still family dont allways have to be drag into à war..
    Sic noc vs Chaos Reborn ONLY Would be nice to See, but Chaos Wouldnt take that.. so i give My full support to Sic Noc as allways. Fight Well My brothers! Cya soon!


    Ps: to all CR who will comment THIS, we allready fought against your clan, you dragged in your family directly when we started With our true friends in former IS.. So i know your family is "tight" but is it right way? No..
    Have à great day all and hope CR dont take this personal
  2. Support to sic noc
  3. Not choosing sides, but Alison did just prove that apocalypse can be spelt incorrectly.
  4. 68 can win against 600 - outnumbered but never outgunned 
  5. Nice to see all the supporters like always lmao!!
    Why don't you guys show some real support by joining the slaughter line instead of talk lol..
  6. so let me get my morality correct. 600+ v 60 is disrespectful. 70 v 10 is emotional justice? To my small math ability it appears both are about a factor of 10. How can you complain about being overpowered and at the same time champion overwhelming your enemy? It appears sicarius noctis is no better than those they call out.
  7. Yeah your math is great tiger, what you fail to notice is that we are working on "10" leaders while having 600 on us. Its not like two separate wars. Nice alt post btw
  8. By blaming SicNoc for recruiting CR members, CR leadership show how blind they are to their own shortcomings. By not taking responsibility for a leadership style that estrange members, and then threaten those who want to leave, CR leadership reveal how corrupt their idea of family values and having fun have become.

    The dissonance for CR leadership between who they think they are and how they are perceived by their members is obviously too tough. War is as good a solution to this dissonance as peeing in one's pants when it's cold. Thus one can't blame CR leadership for hoping that a little help from their friends will end this misguided and fruitless war soon.

    Then again, this time CR leadership kick on their on their own moral code. CR as a whole know it, SicNoc know it - And we all sure know how moral meltdown affect the fighting spirit in the long run.

    Respect to all you Apocalypse warriors though.
  9. Sic Noc was CR Dragon?

    What did I miss...
  10. Correct hell, it was only about 3 months possibly 4? But if my memory serves 100gz (possibly more?) came from CR to begin with before SicNoc was opened. The history between CR and SicNoc is deeper than forums need to know IMO. CR won't quit and I can bet you SicNoc won't either. This war will be going on for a long time I think. Respect to everyone involved, and too the forum noobs posting "support" get out if war forums honestly, there is general discussion to get your post count up
  11. Sic noc came to CRD in a merger. But they never left their egos at the door. They did what they wanted when they wanted. They didn't follow the CR rules that all other CR members follow.

    We did not threaten them if they were to leave. We only warned them when they started pulling actual CR members from our roster by bad mouthing leadership. So get off whatever moral high ground you think you're on and take what's coming to you like the "war clan" you claim to be.
  12. Respect to all players. Sicnoc is a war clan. I know by first account and I enjoy the opportunity to war you again. I love warriors gold and sicnoc has tons of it . I really don't care how this was started but everyone has egos and no one is better then anyone else. So come hit me 100gz cause I know you see this lol

    ⊀Ot╒☰ ༺Á̸P☣Ć̸Ạ̸Ł༒ཾPṨ̸Ξ༻
  13. I really don't care the reason why, I just like fighting.
  14. Cmoney says that SicNoc members had big egos and never followed the rules the rest of CR must follow...Really? Have you checked walls or even forums? You're trash talking everywhere and posting walls. I thought that NOT doing this was a rule for all of CR? And your doing this as a CR leader? Great example to show your clan.
  15. Wow way to pick up our left over trash Alison immortal taka an all other butthurt losers we crushed I'm just sorry I have friends I wish I didn't have to but u chose wrong u ar almost all stripped soon u will go turtle an we will get bored after a month or two ull cry for mutual cf just like IT did
  16. Support 
  17. The actual rule was no posting on forums except for leaders or unless told otherwise. My personal opinion was no posting without knowing the facts first.

    And talking crap on walls is as old school as you can get. I remember everyone would talk **** to eachother everyday in war, it was part of the fun. For you to come at me with this shows you have nothing else to complain about. You're just Butthurt
  18. I guess us at sicnoc can't say anything without being butthurt. What a shame.
  19. Now you're butthurt about being butthurt
  20. LOL we all saw this coming didnt we?