CR/KotFE/TS/WoG and allies offer a way out for SUN Clans

Discussion in 'Wars' started by --NiGHTMARe-MaCHiNE--, Jun 7, 2012.

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  1. Shout out 2 all current
  2. The time is coming to get all the 2yr vets who still hold on to the old ways for an EB noob strip farm fest. Let's help the so called might fall 
  3. Bump for the epic cartoon on pg 11
  4. And I'm bumping again because that is the best pic I've ever seen on kaw! Lol
  5. PMS i got silenced for my wall art posted on page 9, though i did post all the voodoo/ sun leaders walls , devs said i was posting porn pictures lol, its just emoji get real, maybe ill ask wulf to have a word with the devs for me, :lol:
  6. Please let this serve as a warning to AoTs how well oiled this machine is

    A 3 Trillion strip with 100 % success on a german foxes clan member.

    As have others clans seen the correct path and decided to leave AoTs it might be wise for the german foxes to reconsider membership.

    CR/KotFE/TS/WoG and allies 
  7. no rob thats why loads of voodoo spies moved to the german foxes to make sure they stay, guess they were so worried another clan would leave sun they are now running there allies clans for them
  8. Hey I'm loving more targets in GF, I have to sweep the whole clan list to get some hits in though, everyone is always pinned
  9. Respect to all in war, wish u all the best.. And respect to my HTE fellow members who stuck together to the end...HTE
  10. would anyone in GERMAN FOXES want to comment on ur recent merge with Voodoo, or did voodoo force there way into ur clan as they were so afraid you would leave sun like the other members, or did you just want to hold hands and epic battle together? idk maybe voodoo just like a bit of german sausage ? either way its funny u lost control of your own clan and voodoo running the show
  11. K first: I love the freaking pic lmfao! That's how all clans are now! Which brings me to my second thing: I agree that all the good clans are probably eb junkies that can't fight. Lastly, ok yes I'm an alt, I get criticized for using my alt or cuz I grow slow-ish but I've played 2 years and if u want my mains name wall me. If u criticize me and don't ask for my name u don't give a crap and it's empty words
  12. Hte ob2 good fight respect to you and your Clan


  13. Cynder I too was with Psychosis and yes... I did learn a lot for Chad... Mainly how to mess with people lol. Voodoo and company are severely outmatched and if you look through history no world power has EVER stayed there. Just cause at one time they may have been Average doesn't mean they will even stay there. Hasty la vista SUN.
  14. Well SUN is dead I knew that was gonna happen no problem. Cant be that big of arrogant idiots and not get had. And I duno much about iG now I just know their old school war prowess. Besides cant believe all the war and hate threads cuz no matter what propaganda and truth bending are gonna happen.
  15. still LOL on 11 :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. Disgusting. A cartoon comparing Wulf to a murderer of millions. And you all think it's funny.

    This is riot mentality at its best. Don't think for yourselves, just laugh at the funny picture.

    This needs a lock.

    THOROUGHLY disgusted by this community right now.
  17. The image was approved by a moderator and all "symbols" were removed.
    Now get back to your EBs 
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