CR/KotFE/TS/WoG and allies offer a way out for SUN Clans

Discussion in 'Wars' started by --NiGHTMARe-MaCHiNE--, Jun 7, 2012.

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  1. HoG and Heart alliances,
    Please CF on HTE and HTE runners.

    HTE and JD, Thanks for the war.  Hope we can meet under better circumstances in the future.

    On to the next journey

     ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟ ͟H ͟E ͟A ͟R ͟T ͟O ͟F ͟G ͟O ͟L ͟D ͟
  2. One last thing. HTE, can you please remove your "Guest" from your clan please? He's AOTS.

    Thank you
  3. Users browsing this forum: --St0n3C0LdKiLL4--, -AIex-, -Byzantine-, -Charmed-, -Hilton-, -M0NKEY-, -RoC-, -TSB-, -_-Jester-_-, 1ATE7, Bad_Attitude, BobbleZ, BrolyTheLegendarySuperSaiyan, Carpe_Jugulum, chipmunk642, Codex-Gigas, CorkSoaker, eagleking, EoE_Kabushga_EoE, eXtreme_uk, fiir14, FISH-HEAD, FO_Dracobeast_TR, Frakkster, GARVIN, Gwan_Yu, hOpE_yOu_Do_MaChInE, HTE_111111_ZLBLBA_091807_HTE, HTE_Elephant_HTE, HTE_GamerK_HTE, HTE_TheDoc469_HTE, HTE_WRAITH_HTE, I-M_westhammer_I-M, I-_-l_DiStUrBeD_I_-_l, II-IITIE_SE4N-IMARIC_II-IlTlE, Ii0OlIOO0llII0OO00IIIllll00OOllOlOO00llI, IIilliI8iillilllIl8iili8lliiII, IIIllI_Cerebal_Assassin_llIIll, Ill_______________lIl___H4v0c, IXI_Ocean-Goddess_IXI, I_Am_Number_Six, jailbaitBarbie, JLAW, joshcon, KC-XEVU, King_Solomons_Mine, KYR_Lupus, lI____Meet_Rx0918____Il, llll_KUNGFU2_llll, llll_Smilerzz_llll, ll_G_ll_H_ll_O_ll_S_ll_T_ll, lRant, MattsMom, Meplay, micsmith, MNBQwerty, Modern_Sniper, nick2345, OKST_lIlIll-EL_DIABLO-llIlIl, p-__0__2-S_ZO-041, Paratrooper, PhoenixRising, pocha111, PoiSoNBaCKSTaB31-MaCHiNE, PoppaBear, PROF__RANGER__PROF, PsychoEmperor, rickter200, SiLeNt--BuT--DeAdLy, skyj1isbackagain, Slorgg, Tarheel69, The_Man_who_lived, THP_I_I__Lerjjx__I_I_THP, Tinuj, victorVirus, xxXOo0oOXxx, Xx_Eaganthemonkey_xX, xX_IIIIIIGODIIOFIIWARIIIIII_Xx, Xx_Leonidas_of_EoE_xX, xX__HEAT__Xx, xX__prinacas__Xx, _DEVO_, _Rogue__Cherrie_, ________Darth-Vader___________ and 11 guests

    :lol: to all those active on this page , yes sun are losing the war and are looking like tools, i hope all of KAW is having a good LOL at the SUN (the wanna be next IG / ZAFT) looks like brian and wulf build their house on sand and the walls are failing in around them, big question is WHOS NEXT TO GO? , place ur bets below, the winners and get free ECLIPSE WALL ART pms
  4. Good fun warring with you guys, proud of our efforts, good luck in the future to all 
  5. 
    Matt is shocked to see
    Brian playing the skinflute!
  6. I did not make your list lol . Keep pounding these fools..
  7. i was missed too (_(_) keep smacking them till the end
  8. So, what clans have left aots and who's left?
  9. HTE much respect to you and Matt when war began did not look forward to war against Voodoo as has been an ally in other wars I have fought in. As always Respect to those fighting in this war not smacking the Eb


  10. What clans are in AOTS and which ones have left???
  11. As the noose begins to tighten and become that little more uncomfortable. Respect given for HTE and
  12. sometime soon, the sun explodes...when....lets make guesses...
  13. For HTE in seeing sense and not being used in both wulf's and Brian's delusional plans.

    One by one each clan is waking up and having the common sense to bow out.
  14. Respect to HTE for staying that long
  15. So I went to Spain and I saw people partying, and I said to myself WTF
  16. I love how much more respectful this thread is than the Sun's thread. We should make a clan called KotFE Eclipse . Good luck KotFE
  17. To those asking. HTE and Original Patriots have left AoTS. Regulators/Voodoo/Army of The Sun are still in AoTS. German Foxes and EoE are still in alliance and still in the osw against CR/KotFE/TS/WoG/CRO/CRD/FEA/SE/HoG/-Una Custos- and a few others
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