CR/KotFE/TS/WoG and allies offer a way out for SUN Clans

Discussion in 'Wars' started by --NiGHTMARe-MaCHiNE--, Jun 7, 2012.

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  1. Chuck. Dear dear friend. You do realize who you are fighting, yes? When EVER have you seen any of these clans acquiesce to a series of threats? I know the answer. It's never. Do yourself a favor and act like you are not fighting a bunch of noobs and treat this war with some respect. While I personally admit this war is disappointing because of the deep relationships I have on both sides, I can tell you for sure that this kind of forum trash is not going to work. So yes, Matty (not me) posted with an alt. patriots are out. Fine. Don't get it. Won't ask. They supported us in pieces in the past but never as a whole. They are out. But seriously, where is the real war legacy begin and end? Answer that and you know this is a feeble, noob ish attempt at ending this. Come on chuck. I expect way more from you.
  2. Matt, I agree in the past it was good between us. But u seriously expect me to believe u had no input I the massive failed strip on me? That was the war declaration. Mods and players get into minor scuffles all the time. Don't make me seem like the bad guy bro. Y'all decided trying to strip me was a good idea. Had Brian let it go y'all could still have bragging rights, as it is now, u have a layer of meat shields protecting y'all spy builds and being systematically strip farmed while u run EB.

    I'm srry bro, but again, this wasn't me. This is all on y'alls head.
  3. @AOTS

    Of you need a strip bank fund...

    Holla at me 
  4. Love the empty threats of buy allies off AotS and we will farm you. Makes you look like a chump. Propaganda away though I'm sure kaw is shaking in their boots .

    Don't play mr innocent here chuck we aren't that dumb. You'll believe your version we will believe ours so man up and fight at least rather than try to spin crap not worth spinning.

    We can cf in a few months when you agree to drop all your buildings.
  5. : that's all I have Brian. Keep the EB rolling
  6. @mattECM - Suntuz is not an alt of matt.

    @PoppaBear - We did not surrender simply left AotS, and thank you for your kind words!

    Thank you all for the good times on both sides! Happy kawing 

    III_PATRIOTS_RESURRECTION_III ☼ ༺Loyalty • Respect • Hoɳour༻
  7. nice speech poppa
  8. So new pats saw they were keep in the dark and fed on  by the sun top brass , which of there other meat shields will be next to see the light and leave sun , there's no shame in admitting ur being used as a meat shield for those with big egos and nothing to lose , just post this thread and go find some better allies that won't use u , many in sun are getting smashed and are running out of all def pots , just simply declare ur out on this thread and u can stop being a meat shield , in the mean time have fun
  9. HTE have left SUN alliance and have pulled out of osw with KOTFE and alliance. We wish both sides best of luck in the war, and would like to thank every1 involved in war. It's been a grind 
  10. It has been an honor to war against you HTE. We wish you luck in your future in KaW. We will call an immediate CF on your clan!
  11. We are proud of our efforts ty for osw it was fun
  12. Great fun waring you, wish you all good luck in the future.
  13. HTE please change your clan info. Remove your AotS from it. Good luck to your clan
  14. To HTE, much respect and wish you the best.
  15. Respect to HTE, it was a pleasure warring against you. 
  16. Ok will get it sorted good luck and best wishes
  17. Respect HTE, thanks for the war. 
  18. Well do guys , u took a beating like rocky but had the wisdom to see u were being used and fed on good luck in Kaw guys u can hold ur heads high
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