CR/KotFE/TS/WoG and allies offer a way out for SUN Clans

Discussion in 'Wars' started by --NiGHTMARe-MaCHiNE--, Jun 7, 2012.

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  1. Sorry for the second post. My friend had pestered me for a month to join this game saying how fun this was. But, I may just quit Bc of how pompous and ignorant some people seem.
  2. So you guys counted and researched every person who has posted here and tracked them back to kotfe is what your saying?...
  3. @Goldenwolf, just bc the opponent is losing a bil per hit doesnt mean the attacker is gaining a bil per hit...
  4. Oh please do golden wolf!
  5. Lmao iprophet that picture is funny. I don't care who you are.  funny that it's been removed (typical). Aots is still winning this war btw. And when I say winning, I mean being naked and potless.  keep up the good werk 
  6. I want to know which mod removed it. If it's Wulf it seems a little biased.

    The picture was funny, because you found it a slight immoral, doesn't mean I did. What I laugh at I can't help, if it's funny it's funny.

    What's sad is the propaganda of "KoTFE, why you so mean?! You trash talk on forums!!!!". Dare I remind you, BH/Reg war? Yea, trash talking out the ass. But NOW you want to take the high road? ***** please.
  7. Another thing to add for IGCB, there was no indications that pointed directly to that conclusion. Charlie Chaplin also had a mustache like that. Could it have been him? All depends on what you make of it. It isn't offensive as much as you all are trying to push it to be.
  8. Wait . . . That wasn't Charlie Chaplain?!?
  9. I missed the photo plz share 
  10. I posted the original pic. It was meant as a light hearted dig at aots warring rules. In no way was this meant as an antisemitic dig. I am proudly jewish and hence removed all swastikas from the post and asked a mod if it was ok to post. lol i am such an old fart the mod supplied the link :D .
    The point of the post was obvious and was clearly not implying that vulf was an antisemite or a killer of 6m Jews, 11m Russians ect. only reason it was removed was cos prophet was butt hurt coz he came into our clan and farmed a hog member at the same time stripping (fail) chuck of 10t. shame humour in a game cant be accepted for what it is. So if anyone in the kawmunity was honestly offended i appologise. BUT if the removal of the pic was because you are a bad loser (prophet) you will realise that using political correctness for your own gains will never work.

    ps 1st language is not english so grammar queens dissect to your hearts desires :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. Not Jewish, not Russian, but the grandson of a WWII Vet that fought his way to Berlin. I found the picture in very good taste, all Nazi propaganda was removed, and tbh it kinda did look a bit little Charlie Chaplin now that it is mentioned. The problem here was a few soft skinned still titty sucking children that can't look beyond the shell and get the true meaning. Maybe Ipaula is a closet racist?????
  12. Users browsing this forum: -----wolfy-----, axle-love, DeadInside, Drtowser, G_Funkn, II___________DRAGON___________II, IxXxI__Kiki__IxXxI, jher06, jupiterroad, llll_Smilerzz_llll, llll__Dr__STeeLHammer__llll, Manny-ViperSRT10_ACR, Me, triptoo, XSSX_IN73R_7h3P3rV_XAAHX, XXX___Lotus___XXX, _xXx_THE_DuNA_MaCHINE_xXx, __IllLIllEIllGIIlIIIlOIllNlll_, ____THE_DARK_KNIGHT____ and 0 guests
    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. As respect goes in this war just see Aots thread there is two. One to correct the grammar that we could not understand I will bump both to active. Always give respect to those who war, hitting eb in war other than to pin should be a boot from clan. Letting others take the hits for you in any fight is wrong. Military teaches you to stand by your brother in arms they fall you fall.


  14. Kill kill kill
  15. Nice job German Foxes. Way to let VooDoo come in, occupy and take over your clan. VooDoo currently has 17 members in their own clan while making up over half of the GF numbers. Does that even make VooDoo a part if the war anymore??? LMAO

    Since we seem to be on a WW2 theme recently. It appears GF has become occupied France held prisoner under VooDoo control. Take your clan back German Foxes. Kick out the infiltrators and fight on your own or surrender. 
  16. I'm still laughing 
  17. Death to all, death for eternity, death to all, death for eternity, death to all, death for eternity.
  18. Bump on general principle
  19. Here's an original for yah 

    Retribution never looked so divine
    A broken creed at the end of the line
    The twisted soul of an exile
    No longer will we feed the denial
    A shattered life as recompense
    You don't know the meaning of intense
    Secrets buried in the dark of the night
    What's done in the dark is brought to light
    and the night is darkest before dawn
    I'll walk the face of the sun

    I'll be the one to taste your tears
    I'll be the one to test your fears
    I'll be the one to burn your pots
    I'll be the one to take all you've got

    Chrous: Watch me as I walk the sun
    Don't blink cause it's death, because it's death
    Run and hide I know you will
    You can run forever
    But you'll never be, you'll never be free
    ima walk the face of the sun

    Burn the candle at both ends
    No forgiveness no recompense
    You sewed the seeds now reap the reward
    Your dirty honor will die at my sword
    The match just burned your fingertips
    Dust of the whirlwind still lingers at my lips
    One way or another Youll come undone
    I'll walk the face of the sun

    I'll be the one to taste your tears
    I'll be the one to test your fears
    I'll be the one to burn your pots
    I'll be the one to take all youve got

    Chorus x2
    I'll walk the Face of the sun
    Walk the face

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