CR/KotFE/TS/WoG and allies offer a way out for SUN Clans

Discussion in 'Wars' started by --NiGHTMARe-MaCHiNE--, Jun 7, 2012.

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  1. Oh yes, and I'm not one to be easily offended or even normally give a crap.

    That crosses a line, though.

    "Haters gonna hate" is one thing.

    This isn't just hating, this is complete ignorance to go with the hate, and it's disgusting. I cannot believe everyone so far has just laughed with the rest of the hoard. Riot mentality. People too scared to speak up and That's NOT ok.

    It's not ok.
  2. Poppa bear that logic is flawed. One mod does not control morality and right/wrong. Just since I ask my teacher if I can smoke pot if he says yes does it suddenly make it right?

    Anyways y'all can stand by it and say it was clean humor yada yada but don't hide behind authority approved this... One mod can't determine what's right or wrong on a moral level.
  3. Ummmm. I laughed because I thought it was funny.

    Everyones so sensitive.
  4. No, I'll tell you what's going on here. You've turned yourselves into the laughing stock of Kaw and your cowardice war technique of not fighting, but sending your poor lambs to slaughter is ridiculous. Your guys are doing EBs and we are making more money per hour smashing them than your stupid theoretical fund raising scam.

    Nice that you "Beta test" your war scheme on the poor people who joined your alliance. The only smart ones were Patriots Resurrection and HTE, both good fighters and heavily outnumbered, but they left.

    Now that we've cleaned out one of your banks, you're just upset. Did you tell the poor lambs that all your strip cash that they are trying to make was cleaned out? Bet they won't be happy.

    Then to think you guys are winning? Look at the comments on the bank wall we just cleared out.
    Tell that to the clans EOE, VoDoo, _Eoe_, Regs Inc., The Outlawz. They look like blast craters and your members are mostly potless if not stripped already.

    Now, like I said  Get back to your EBs!!!
  5. Btw.

    It's the " blindly following your leader" mentality that was the joke.
    Oh. And the "Vulf" was pretty funny.

    A and D helps for the butthurt.
  6. I agree wholeheartedly with poppa. And I laughed at the pic because it was funny. Too much political correctness these days.
  7. Bumping just to piss off more whiney kids. Please checkout page 11.
  8. Nevermind, the Vulf must have erased it so we don't find out his strategy.
  9. Wow hahaha funny how hard Brian is trying to deflect all the attention in another direction lmao it's fun to watch. Continue Brian, we are all watching you squirm and we are loving it. You're probably asking karbo ara in pm about what your next move will be hahaha hilarious. War is hard when you don't have your old powerful allies to hide behind isn't it?
  10. I would fully expect more from these guys. I know that I'm not a big player in this game of right and wrong, but it seems like the only people hitting this "lil ole hansel" are the remaining meat shields... No offense EoE and German Foxes.. I almost forgot about DoA. Considering that ALL of voodoo are hansels or spies I shouldn't be able to get a bar off. That goes to show that my unencumbered troops and spies are used how I see fit. Which is unfortunately on German foxes and EoE. You guys should seriously reconsider your stance on this war and come to realize that you are being used for your troops and your gold. By the way Regulators... You may want to ... How do I say.... Quit hiding behind innocent people and do what you little girls thought you could do in the first place. Moving members to German Foxes to help pin their poor members that are taking your hits. The time WILL come when it's just you arrogant assholes and us.. Then we will see who has the most determination and pots. Please open your eyes and close your ears to the egotistical rhetoric that you are getting from the AotS leadership. It is not fair that you guys are absorbing the punishment that is meant for 3-5 arrogant pieces of trash.

    The Dong
  11. I don't post much in forums but I need someone to explain to me how the tactic of being in OSW and running EBs, allowing your clan to be stripped naked and only a handful of ppl fighting back is winning a war all whilst self pinning on endless EB after EB!

    I have been around some time and merc'ed in plenty of wars and osw but just don't understand why this tactic is being followed by The Outlawz!

    I just don't get it and would like someone to explain!

    P.s Bump the now removed pic on page 11!
  12. @MW P9 Wall Art

    The art itself most likely didn't get you silenced, using the term "skin flute" is probably what did it. Context context context.

    Even though Corinthian once said you can't get silenced for Emoji.
  13. Whats with all these people complaining about VooDoos build its obviously working you guys are just useing the excuse that its cowardly but there getting just what they want out of it. Ya'll just mad you can't hit them!
  14. Another thing is I haven't seen CR and WoG at all on this thread(Except for them respecting the other clans ;) , i've seen TS a little bit but the rest of the threads almost allKoTFEso id say CR, WoG, and TS are doing way more of the actual hitting. The only person from VooDoo thats talked is Brian and hes sticking up for his clan. You guys have been bashing Wulf but from what ive seen and heard he hasn't really done anything except saying what he believes, sooo from now on we don't have freedom of speech? :|
  15. *yawn* let's just war

    Kimmie leader ✯☠CƦ/KøтҒE/ŦṨ/ШøḠ☠✯
  16. sorry but I know my clan owner he won't just give up like a wimp
  17. Or maybe while I unload on them, I wait 5 minutes and browse the forums for fun. Meanwhile I go back and hit more. Thing is, no matter how hard you hit an EB, you have to sleep eventually
  18. It seems that AotS is being respectful for the most part unlike some of the other posters on this thread. Why cant the KotFe and the other members not post like CR and WoG are doing? I have a friend in one of the AotS clans who said he had 400bil out from an ally buy for a few hours and didn't have it stolen. He said that one TS member had attacked a few times and had gotten a billion each attack. I'm new but at least I know somethings up Wye. You get a billion an attack.
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