Cows guide for vs. A pure spy

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Cowlegend999, Apr 10, 2010.

  1. Not really...
  2. You completely forgot how spies can bank and be too weak and how, since most pure spies don't need to run def pots, you can with with next to nothing in troops
  3. You guys should just wait until my guide to builds comes out, much better
  4. This was a guide on how to guarentee a win on a pure spy
  5.  my official advisor 
  6. Hey will you burn pots for me?
  7. This guide is stupid any sort of attack can win against a pure spy cos they have no defense. Although it's more than likely they'll take revenge by stealing 10 times what you take!
  8. @York only for u man :p
    @Andy if u actually took the time to read my guide u can see allies and pots can prevent u from winning against a pure spy I also listed the number of buildings u need to prevent the spy 'being too strong to attack' read more carefully lol
  9. Why a 2nd or 3rd tier building? 1 troop of any kind will beat a pure spy -_-.
  10. True yosh however if u don't have the number of buildings I listed the pure spy will show up as too strong to attack although it has 0 def like I said all info in this guide is correct
  11. Thanks !! You and raj and arsh are nice.
  12. Lol this was a pretty joke of a thread but it seems people are actually learning something lol that's right I made this thread as a joke seeing as it's almost pointless but it looks like I was wrong there have been alot of stupid comments by people who don't know what they are talking about so I'm glad I set them straight
    thnx York I  ya too 
  13. Am I nice 
  14. Lol gabe I think u are nice 
  15. We need more  guides. How should i approach someone with 0/0/0/0 stats? Are they so wealthy that they tear down all buildings after attacking each time?
  16. Wow York that's an ingenious plan and u gave me an even better idea thnx man
  17. I patiently wait for another  tutorial. I love that you can be represented by a single icon. Its like prince, or the artist formarly known as prince.
  18. 
    my  love
  19. Aww thnx guys if u give me a topic I'll write it unless I'm feeling lazy lolz
  20. Dude simple. All a pure spy has to do is spend spys, then it will be too weak for direct 'attacks'. Sides that a TRUE pure spy doesnt have allies. They either leave it sitting out or bank it all.