Coward of 42 and 6

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIIllllIIIllllllIlIlIIlllIllII, Jul 7, 2013.

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  1. Ss to back it then. Cause i know for a fact arc knows scout doesn't pot burn. It's mainly to irritate and prevent a flea from being able to get blood to feed itself.
    Also. Cas is a she? Wtf i've been hoodwinked for two years!!
  2. its been more than 12 hours, by quite a bit
  3. On top of everything I've said, he would've had to skim from around the top of the bar to actually burn every pot (because he isn't using attack pots). I'm going to have to say there's some fabrication going on here, or he is constantly winning attacks against a bigger kingdom, has used more than the daily xtal limit, is skimming from the top of his bar.
  4. Eric. Reread op and op's following posts. He's moaning about cas (our he/she?) Popping him, and it took him 12 hours to get around to it.
  5. The one on one has benn going on official 24 hours in 7 minutes from now
  6. He said not even 12 hours later he called in help, and by judging by the OP's wall it puts the 1v1 start time 16 hours ago, and to add to what I've said, ALL of this would have to be assuming that the OP hasn't hit back or retaliated at all.
  7. Just to clear up the confusion
  8. I guess 24 hours and 7 minutes puts this on a different scale, but Arc to have accomplished what he said literally couldn't have slept at all (again would need to skim from high troops and spies to be burning full pots) and would have had to max xtal AGAIN in the last 7 minutes.
  9. Honestly Eric, I wouldn't be that surprised to find that Arc hadn't slept. We've both got this fun little thing called insomnia. It's a blessing and a curse. :p
  10. HOLY **** ! I was right there's no limit on how many times you can hit someone. Op must have been making a joke. Ha ha ha you got me op. that makes 7 times in 24 hours I hit you.

    Omg IM A FARMER ! 

    I hope all you good readers will forgive me 
  11. So he's costed him 48 xtals ( about 30$) and a full night of sleep in which he was skimming every few minutes for over 24 hours, and Arc has costed the OP about 30b in pots. Hmmm
  12. Arcindril is very much indeed exaggerating. He has probably not even hit me 500 times. Thats including the near 200 scout actions
  13. Zay assumes cas was called in "I find a clan mate of his in my newsfeed" , cas says one hit. Cas is irrelevant in this i think (other then implying he's a she).
    Couple things. Arc said rough estimate, n i saw nothing about arcs attack pots used or lack there of (Correct me if i'm wrong there).
    Zay's the one moaning, contradicting himself (demanding an apology for more then five hits but is for pvp. As was pointed out already before i had a chance to) . Zay's the one i see name calling and being vulgar in a child's game so... Just no... And break up what a fb is an unload, zay's not back this mainly fails claim, think about it for a moment..
  14. After reviewing this thread, I will be locking this in a few minutes.

    Reasons: very inappropriate posts within this thread on a children's game I will not allow to be on public views also this thread for the content are not allowed and actions will be taken against.

    Op, refrain from posting inappropriate content on forums or have a leaving party from forums for 24 hours this is my warning to you.

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