Coward of 42 and 6

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IIIllllIIIllllllIlIlIIlllIllII, Jul 7, 2013.

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  1. Op why are you telling us this... Just hit back.. It's just a game so pick your bunched up panties out of your B crack and tap your thumbs to hit back
  2. Bwahahahhhhhhhha!!!!!

    OP, the level of pungent butthurt odor you are wiping on forums right now is too much. I shall retreat back to my eb until I can breathe in here.
  3. I just don't understand what is the purpose of this declaration? Maybe a sign of fear? Or perhaps he's inviting interference from the whole KaW? Forty Six and Two is a clan that has long history in wars n OSW! Haha... Good luck!
  4. Zayock isn't a bad farmer. We actually had a 1vs1 for a bit. Is he bad a typing what he's trying to say. Yes. But he'll fight and not bring in any friends. Just my 2 cents which none of you probably care for. But I actually have some respect for this guy cause he handles his own business unlike most of KaW who has the habit of crying to their alliances first.

    Once again just my 2 cents
  5. The farming limit in this case being the amount of hits being considered farming. The apology itself being satisfactory to my retribution as opposed to taking my satisfaction from retaliating. It was my attempt to be nice and let it go. A simpleprivate message im sorry i hit you.
  6. I cried to no one, and for the record, let me do this the simple way for everyone that's curious about how your claim to be coming out on the top of this.

    22,235,000 <- this is the cost of 1 of each defensive pot for attacks
    23,908,750 <- this is the cost of 1 of each defensive pot for spy attacks
    13 <- this is the total number of defensive pots for attacks
    11 <- this is the total number of defensive pots for spy attacks
    1,419 <- this is the total number of actions I've made against you
    570 <- this is a rough value for the number of those actions that were done with troops
    850 <- this is a rough value for the number of those actions that were done with spies
    12,673,950,000 <- this is a rough value for what you've lost in troop potions
    20,322,437,500 <- this is a rough value for what you've lost in spy potions
    32,996,387,500 <- this is roughly the total cost in defensive pots I've ate...
    4 <- this is the number of mithril bars you have used to mith up your defenses
    0 <- this is the number of offensive pots I've used
    0 <- this is the number of defensive pots I've used
    0 <- this is the amount of gold I had out when you hit back

    so, summery....
    You are out 33bil in defensive pots, 4 mith bars, and god only know how many offensive pots you've used to repeatedly have successful steals when I had 0 gold out.

    yeah... guess my methods don't work... you're right, you are the better fighter.... hrmmm... scratch that...

    you're just the better whiner/crier...
  7. And now, with that settled, you can go ahead and request a lock at any time. No worries though, I won't forget about you. Soon as you finish your tif with Arc, we can play too! No worried, I'll give you at LEAST 15 minutes to regain pots. That's the regen timer for EB's, so I figure you'll be used to it. :D
  8. That was the mother of all pwns.

    I salute you, Arcindril.
  9. Thanks Oderint, that was really unexpected and it has really impacted my attitude.
    On a different note. The 1 on 1 this post reflects on has not been goin on for 12 hours- that was just an estimate of how many hours had passed when i found his clanmate in my feed. Whether it was 1 hit or moreyou have to take her word for it. Her spies so outnumber mine it was never likely she would have failed a hit (Xy4-_-CasWantsTheDean-_-6yX). Andi did not even put up the wall post she mentioned till after i found the hit she give me. I listed him on my wall as a perm farm for breaking 1 on 1. So her excuse is void.
  10. op is butthurt lol
  11. Wish i had the attention span long enough to do all that math.
  12. Her? Funny how a single action tells you so much about a person that you can even guess their gender! Now now, accusations are just rude, especially when you have absolutely nothing to back it up with. At the time all this was going on I was being sp by several people, and the only reason you even saw me was because it was at the bottom of the bar. If you would like to continue this conversation, you can wait until after your "1v1" with Arc and talk to me in my news. :) Until then, I'll be doing my own thing. See ya soon! ;)
  13. Yea but Arcindril failed to mention over half his actions were scouts. I dont need him to tell me anything not when the gold i can make off him with 0 gold out has furnished me well. Beforei started keeping my own little score i spent all the gold i had on one last upgrade i had been saving for. After i made said purchase i had less than 100m spare. Since i began counter farming i have accumalated the gold to fund 8 mith and doubled the amount of all sdp i had available. From the count on my numberof adp and from sdp he has hit me way less than he claims. And idc how much money you cost me as long as im seeing profit. Arcindril thanks for making me smile
  14. Farming. Wa. Wa. Grow a pair.
  15. Really though who banks in adp and sdp
  16. Zayock. Just stop why don't you. Request a lock. You e been laughed at mocked verbally pwned on this thread more than once. Omg omg was that 3 actions I just did on you ? Btw I didn't use pots 
    Do I get my own paragraph filled with noob tears and rage now ? 
  17. I do i do!!!

    ok. i dont.
  18. So you've been in a 1v1 for roughly 15 hours and already you've done 1400 actions on him. (Most of which which were fails from what I understand) that would mean you would've had to use over 24 xtals? (bearing in mind how fast fails burn troops and spies) so he's burnt about 15$ of yours. I would trade 30b for 15$ any day. On top of that your numbers aren't adding up for me unless he grossly lied about how long this 1v1 has gone on in the OP, or you aren't failing against him hardly at all (which isn't the logical choice considering you aren't using pots).
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