Country Wars 3

Discussion in 'Wars' started by IlI_xXBlackHandXTREMEXx_llI, May 20, 2012.

  1. Das Vaterland
  2. w00T! Team France again!
  3. Charles vs all come at me bitches !!!
  4. The cheese eating surrender monkeys are back to kick some more ass!
  5. Charles 7/9/8 was it? Btw when u lose your 9th pot after 5 spy actions, you kno u suck
  6. Maybe if you take on 3 lb clans at once you'd understand
  7. Why has Portugal got Russian flags?
  8. Aside from xtreme and jay, who remembers last team France war?
  9. Because they aren't in war
  10. I dont think i was a big forumer back then tho
  11. trolololol.... This time il win too

    (Every time I say that it auto corrects to TROLOLOLOLOLOL)

  12. Lmao 6 pots you Are totally the one talking all successful hits on you
  13. Charles, evidently you dont know how to war, hansels have no use for defence pots. When a 3 mil attack player is hitting you, pots make no difference 