France has 6 sides. It is a hexagon. Hexagons are made of 6 or more triangles put together. 6/2 is 3. French flag has 3 colours. One colour is red. Red has 3 letters. A triangle has 3 sides. A triangle is 2 dimensional. The world is flat
We actually Spin with The earth.. But because its speeed is constant we dont feel it.. Were just riding in a big ballon... And seems darwin and The round earth seem a hoax... Just looking at a 90 min video about flat earth.. xD Ive always known we come from a higher Power and not a monkey eating bananas..
Love science discussions. Talking of which, it seems most of the people here don't know about science. Not all, but most.
The "why" and "how" is more important than "what". Most got the "what" right, but the "why" or "how" wrong.
Been down this road. Thinking humans know better. Your answer is no. Download nasa app for further photographic evidence.