Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Titanium-J, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. Uh obviously the Sun and moon are orbiting something else and come in over the flat Earth every 12 or so hours (not sure on the exact maths, not a scientistist) one or the other constantly going above us :roll:
  2. Hey smart people...catch up to "there" numbers. Obviously this smart person does not know how impossible this is due to stupid people and "there" much more rapid breeding habits.
  3. This has to be the stupidest thing I've ever read on the internet so far. Gravity, perhaps?
  4. What if illuminati was fake?
  5. Vsauce made a great video about this, then all his videos are great
  6. I love vsauces vids
  7. **** off you stupid ****
  8. Op, you're lowering the IQ of the entire human race atm. Please stop!
  9. @fluffles Scientists have proved that the Earth spins hence the sphere shape, as the Earth moves the sun creates light. It takes the sun 1 year to orbit the Earth hence why the Earth moves in a spinning motion. This is also why there a large ice caps and lands such as Antarctic, Greenland and all other ice areas. If the Earth were flat then the sun would have to orbit about us and those areas would be water which would mean the whole Earth would be covered in water. Positioning of the sun would also be a factor, if it was diagonal to Earth what I stated above would be correct, if it were straight above then only the middle of the world would be hot and the sides would be colder spots.

    Also with this theory, how in the world does it being flat work? You can't seriously think there are countries beneath the top of the disk? It's been proven by NASA that it's circular. And how can you fall off the side of the world? What are you smoking, there are 7 billion humans and by now surely a few of them have died if your theory is correct, but there are no reports of this.
  10. Your comment hurt my feelings. Gravity? Please show me this gravity you speak of. I can't see it. If there is some "invisible" magic force holding me down I still should be upside down on the underside of this ball you say we're on.

    Imagine you are standing on a basketball the size of a hot air balloon. When you are standing on the top you'd be standing upright. Now start walking and if you magical unseen force held me to the ball wouldn't I be upside down when I got to the bottom of the ball?

    Think guys...sheesh
  11. I think he was talking about the stuff you put on your dinners. Yummy gravity in its gravity boat. Not sure why they would bring that up in this thread though...
  12. @No_0b that's because we don't stand on basketballs, anyway gravity pull you TO the ground, not to a basketball, friction tries to keep you upright but as soon as you move gravity outweighs friction and pulls you down, hence why you fall. Since you know everything, I'd gravity didn't hold us down how come we all can't fly? Or we can't float? Or we can't not be removed from the ground unless a physical objects removes us, such as shoes, shoes are keeping us above ground by half an inch or two - men dunno for girls lol probable 6 inch. And why do you think when you jump you come back down? You don't just float away.
  13. @naohra

    Fail troll much.
  14. If the world was a sphere the water would just fall off. Doesn't make any sense.
  15. Gravity, if the world was a disk shape then the water would fall off the sides because there wouldn't be any gravity.
  16. The earth is definitely flat...

    How do I know???

    I live near the edge of the world...

    Every morning I fall off the edge ...

    Hold on....thats me just rolling off my bed!!!

    Oh well...
  17. It's the entrance to"center earth"
  18. Idc what scientists proveded I'm smarter than them.
  19. I think it's obvious that we can't fly because we are not superheroes. I come back down after I jump because I want to. I've got places to be and people to see. When I sit on the toilet and fire off a missile I don't just stay on the toilet the rest of my life. I get up just like I come down after a jump.

    Dr. Noob pHD solving the world's mysteries one at a time