There's a difference between accepted scientific theories and more speculative things such as multiverse/string/other competing theories that cannot be proven
There is no doubt about multiple universes. The proof is in twins, triplets etc. Some how during the impregnation phase the identical from other universes gets sucked into our universe and vice versa. Can you imagine how many pregnancies never happened in our universe because they were born as a twin in another universe? It's mind blowing actually and scientific fact!
Gets what? That quantum mechanics allows certain things to technically be possible due to unlimited constraints such as time and attempts? Well guess what, the earth will always be a spherical type object no matter how many time you attempt to say its flat.
I hope you're trolling. The reason there's a surface to stand on is because of the gravitational pull to the surface. It pulls in all directions.
All I see is green, like the wicked witches hand Green, like the eyes of Columbus when he gazed upon this land Green don't grow here no more, the hourglass ran outta sand Green is all up in the water - radiation from Japan
It's good to always doubt things, and try to find out things for yourself. That's how science advances.