CoS vs Team Echo/Sicarius Noctis

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Requital, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. In the interest of peace we expect all hits from Sic Noc to be aimed at Drgnblade. His actions have caused this outcome and he should pay for said actions. His opinions and views are not reflected on the rest of our clan. He has his own free will to think what he wants. If any hits are placed on other members aside from Drgn, I cannot asure there will not be any hits in return. I do wish to avoid a war between our clans.
  2. As do I, and again apologize publicly here to Sic Noc for my remarks. I was not trying to undermine a terms of any cf that had been arranged, nor do I want to.
  3. Accepted frank, Dragonblade will receive his hits, echo please leave mortem alone, mortem shall we meet again on better terms. 
  4. This is good news to hear, thank you for clearing this up. In hopes of a better future with Sic Noc and Echo 
  5. Always frank, we're not unreasonable and we understand that it only takes one bad seed. Much love and please continue your war on Kaw!!!! Not enough pvp in this game much respect to anyone trying to bring it back.
  6. Respect to you too, you have a great clan by the looks of it. I'll have to visit some time and laugh about all this  Happy Kawing to you and you're fellow members
  7. I feel a group hug coming LMFAO
  9. Come on dragon, read your own posts - it's obvious you wanted to stir things up. When you got your much craved for response, but no support you immediately ran away. Wouldn't be surprised if you're one of those embarrassing trash talkers. …Empty barrels make the most noise, as we say where I come from.
  10. We've already cleared this up, water under the bridge right? Let's talk about the purpose of this thread.

    Good war with CoS, much respected.
  11. I must congratulate drgn on his ability to stir a whole clan up so quickly.
  12. Think whatever you want. I was not looking for support from anyone, nor did I run away.
  13. I believe, in the interest of peace, it would be best to let this thread die. All has been said and done, actions have been taken and both our clans are at peace with each other. The way Drgn acted and the way Sic Noc responded is now in the past. Let's move on past it and keep the peace. Agreed?
  14. I can agree to that if the trash talking about me ceases. I have yet to talk any real trash, but I can if pushed into it.
  15. You know what, I'll be the bigger man, and just agree.
  16. Drgn, it will not come to that, please let this die now. Sic Noc/Echos have been informed on the situation and how to execute the actions needed to be taken. Ad Mortem has been told not to return any hits from Sic Noc/Echos. It's done. Let this die.

  17. Respect is due to our allies at Ad Mortem, they have our backs, we have theirs...thank you.

    Sicarius Noctis/Team Echo, I will be looking forward to visiting you soon! Once again, great war and worthy opponents.
  18. Sicnoc has open applications for a forum representative. Lol. Team echo and sic doesn't do forums well. Christ, imagine if we would try to do a recruitment thread. respect
  19. Who the **** is team echo? 
  20. Lmfao synder  Thanks for letting it die 