corsair v naughtyboyz

Discussion in 'Wars' started by corsair, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Tell me your other accounts I'll give em some attention
  2. Well trooper you stupid if you even knew how to read he says his #60 not you you noob lol
  3. Lol look at u big acc trying to hit an empty hansel way to go xD
  4. Thanku for clarifying noughty.. Some people so arrogant xD
  5. IIi ur a flat liar ur not even able to hit me
  6. Lol!! The only one even trying to hit me is naughtyboyz. Unless u r him ur not fooling anyone.
  7. Huh?? I'm talking about III_________III , you idiots
  8. Thats 3 clans on what 15 people and u still cant win u guys miggt wanna play or somthin ur not.cutt out for this
  9. Naughty, thanks for calling me a noob ;) I'll get my Hansel on you after this 1v1.
  10. Congrats. Some of u have found the attack button. U should thank naughty for that gold u just got.
  11. Did I just get called a stupid troll by a worthless player that got called out for telling lies?


  12. Lol I'm waiting
  13. Bumped for booboo
  14. You'll see B4ND :p

    Naughty is gonna be crying :)
  15. Hahaha they are too busy hiding and having some of systems recruit do their dirty work.