corsair v naughtyboyz

Discussion in 'Wars' started by corsair, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Troop you don't know half of the story so just sit back and watch. I suggest you dong jump into this till you find out the full story from your boy who is lying bout him only hitting me back once or twice
  2. Well then why don't you tell all of us the whole story?
  3. It appears that Cor admitted he was wc farming and found a butt hurt clan that takes one mans farming as a whole clan is farming..... And to keep the little butt hurt clan that thought it could from being decimated, he has called an evenly sized owner of said hurt of the butt clan out to 1v1.

    I think I'm about right on this assumption? Enjoy....
  4. I said a few times not once or twice
  5. @Naughty,
    He openly admits farming the trash out of you hints why he wants you to re-pot up.... Putz.
  6. But i didn't start hitting hard until i saw his wall
  7. There goes another lie
  8. Thank you Jac that's my point now his crying about it when he brought it on himself
  9. @Naughty,
    I suggest you tetras the op, then come back and try again...
  10. He farmed you after you put your clan on him for hitting a member a few times.... Also, I was revering to you as a putz and previously that you'd be decimated as op is a Reg...
  11. I'm all for protecting members but one member taking hits from one person return each hit 1 for 1. If multiple people hit your member then expect different treatment, op did you a favor by not having his clan spank you all.
  12. At nem, if your main is in our clan, I suggest he leaves ;)
  13. Jac, he's not a reg yet. He will be after he sorts this. But personally I think this is pathetic on naughtys part
  14. Appreciate it jac, but I'm only reg in training. Doesn't mean i won't spank him though. Fyi the story was on his wall but he deleted it( probably cause he would've been silenced)
  15. I just saw his tag Metal, so on him being a member I was wrong. I also agree that it's pretty poor on naughty's end. But I hope this comes to an end and he finds his way to being a perm.
  16. Should I withdraw, Metal?
  17. If he hits you you do your thing.
    However, I will be hitting anyone other than naughty that cor reports to me as hitting him.
  18. Haha,
    Yea Cor I failed to look at the title for you, regardless my point stands, sorta, but I'm the fool on that one hahaha. And good luck with your new home Cor, they're a tough bunch and encourage independent warriors and also solid team members, not so common these days...
  19. So I guess this is not a war between me and corsair if everyone is going to hit me from now till it starts. That's sound pretty fair lol