corsair v naughtyboyz

Discussion in 'Wars' started by corsair, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. You want the week or not. Loser will write a thread or we will be right back where we started. Real men can own up to their mistakes and say sorry. Which i will do if you beat me
  2. If you win I will admit defeat I have nothing to apologies for
  3. Admit to defeat thread is ok with me. 1 week from now it starts. Exactly 1 week.

    I'm so excited
  4. Ok challenge has been accepted. One week from today. Loser writes an admit to defeat thread. I will track both players. Corsair is obligated to find second tracker to have fair judgement. 1V1 scheduled for next thursday. A man to man battle to the end.
  5.  Cue the Rocky training music and cheesy video montage of various work-outs. 
  6. Support for cor, just wall me if you need help from his friends ;)
  7. Naughty... I think you've really jumped the gun on this one, but whatever man

    Support 
  8. We all got naughty's back remember that!!!
  9. You can post on his defeat thread then to let him know you support him
  10. I don't have naughtys back. Now run along
  11. I don't have his back. Just supporting this 1v1
  12. I'm talking bout storm trooper
  13. Hmm if you hit me then goodluck ;)
  14. If u jump the gun don't worry I will
  15. Another PvP? 
  16. Not PvP, his clan mates are hitting cor. More like them v cor.
  17. Is so funny whe a farmer trys to lie in forum when the true was that yiu clan weapons of fate farm a lil clan lol now u want tell a new tale lol i just laugh of you an regulator i been in you clan some time with my main account i have somes of u as friends an that will end my case ....
  18. Lol go corsair
  19. I didn't lie about anything
  20. And yeah I won our farmfest