Corrupt a Wish

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Guzzle, Mar 24, 2015.

  1. Granted but you fly into every building you see

    I wish I was the Orical of DELPHI again
    (You. Can't say gods fight and I die orical can only die of natural causes gods cannot harm it)
  2. Granted but you are put into a dimension on your own.

    I wish I was the owner of a thinking ape and that nothing can be done to corrupt this wish
  3. Granted, but the company is failing

    I wish I was invincible

    Also it's spelled Oracle
  4. Granted, but you continue to age and rot as any other person.

    I wish I was in the MLGL
  5. Granted, but u then die with joy

    I wish that I ruled the world and that this wish, the world, and anything else related to it can't be corrupted or destroyed in any way whatsoever
  6. Granted. But you die of old age.

    I wish I was silenced.
  7. Granted. But then I made you an alt account.

    I wish my I could go back in time and kill my ancestors.
  8. Granted but paradox

    I wish i had common sense
  9. Your wish is granted, but your ignorance was bliss. You die of understanding too much.

    I wish I was rich
  10. Granted. The government takes it away in taxes.

    I wish I had all the eq that will ever come into existence in kaw and that nothing can be done against me, my friends and my account on the game as well as the game, company and Internet and device
  11. Some of the equipment reduces your stats

    I wish for a shooting star
  12. The star shoots you, and you die.

    I wish swimming pools would not open when the sun is not in the sky.
  13. The sun never reappears

    I wish..

    I wish...

    I wish....

    For something.....
  14. Granted but that "something" makes you die in one second...

    I wish that most of the people care about the people's feelings...
  15. Granted. They feel angry at you and start a mob to imprison you.

    I wish I could get a girlfriend.
  16. Granted but then she murders you

    I wish for nothing but happiness
  17. Granted but you are stuck forever with an angry facial expression

    I wish for a better ran government
  18. Granted. But then a Civil War starts and ruins it.

    I wish for an even more in-depth and comprehensable version of Time Cube Theory. Not everyone has Gene Ray's mind!
  19. Granted, but then your head explodes from the secrets within.

    I wish could give my friends anything they want.
  20. Granted, but they start dying one by one

    I wish i could become friends with an alien