Granted. But a day later when you want that reneged the devs say they won't change it back. I wish the forum would go up five points in quality.
Granted, Narwhal has left! 24 hours later, a new narwhal appears in this forum! I wish to have 10,000 speakers!
Granted, you are now permanently full that you cannot eat any more food! I wish that I have unlocked Abyss Lands by now!
Granted, but also declined because you only had one wish. You get nothing, you greedy skeleton. I wish for 1000 nobs.
Granted . But you had to reset Cause no one gave a damn about you I wish I was sleeping permanently .
Granted. You are dead. Unless that was your wish, which I hope it isn't, you come back as a zombie worm. I wish for my dog to stop growling at strangers.
Granted, but your dog develops mental issues due to being forced to cease it's behavior. I wish I could teleport.
Granted, but occasionally it happens that you leave little parts of your body behind. Like a finger. I wish for this pillow to be more comportable.
granted but i t ends up feeling to good and u fall asleep for ever I wish that I could change my name and spell Abraham linken correctly