Granted, but it was posted in the post below yours. I wish -Narwhal would have granted my wish he gave me.
Wow! Didn't expect this to happen, instead I expected someone to corrupt this wish! I will corrupt this back later! Anyway, thank you TFS-Hawk! You just made my gold reach 100 billion! Gonna go upgrade! Edit: Granted, but then 1 second later I corrupted the wish! I wish I can climb a 12 meter rope in 20 seconds!
No prob Sean! Granted, but you can only climb down, not up. I wish that my basement's ceiling didn't just collapse.
Granted, it didn't collapse but it exploded instead due to someone firing a rocket launcher to it! Granted, you got a peach instead! I wish I had 1,000,000 soldiers in my army!
Granted, but you accidently squeezed it too hard and your hands got all sticky. I wish I could post twice in a row.
Granted, but while you are writing your second post someone else posts it first before you! I wish I can eat chocolate cake!
Granted, but you were interviewed by Willy instead! I wish I can grab 2 Nobility Points in one quest!
Just make a "quest" to ur credit card or the store. U can get more than 2 lol Wish i was a badass. Wait. I am
Unfortunately the wish was voided since he is already a badass, therefore he can't wish to be badass again! I wish I can go for another roller coaster!
Granted, but you can't choose what time you're traveling to and you can't go back to the present. I wish for infinite wishes
Granted. Everyone gets them BUT you. I wish wishing wishes wished wishes wishing wishes wished for more salmon.